Chapter 28- destined

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-Thomas POV-

     As soon as Parker sped of in his car, we ran to get in ours and stop him from doing something stupid. Jaylen thinks he's going to his house but we won't know for sure until we actually get there.

I wanted to break the silence so I spoke "so did you and Parker talk about what's going to happen?" I look at jaylen as I said this. She sighed staring out of the window "He's scared and quite honestly so am I." She turns back to look at me.

    My father gave his input "being a parent at a young as is always scary jaylen" I agreed with my father not everyone would know what to do with a kid at this age. "That's not the only reason I'm afraid"

Jaylen seems to get agitated as if she didn't want to talk about it. But we have to eventually we can't let this slide. I can feel my grip on the wheel go tight as jaylen explains

  "I don't want to admit it but I'm not sure I'm ready for this. I'm afraid of becoming the thing I hate the most. My parents. I don't want to bring a baby into this world knowing I'd put them in danger." My father and I nodded.

She has several valid points. "And what does Parker have to say about this?" I asked with curiosity. If she's saying this it means jaylen talked to Parker.

      "He agrees, but he said if I want this he does too. And that's what I'm afraid of. What if he leaves when I need him the most. What if he abandons me like everyone else In my life. I don't want him forcing himself to do this only because he thinks it's the right thing to do." I can already see the tears in Jaylens eyes as the light in the city illuminated her face.

My dad hasn't said anything so I will. "I've seen the way that boy looks at you; he's in love but he's to afraid to admit it just like you are. He had a chance to run the moment he found out you were pregnant but he didn't. He stayed by your side not leaving once. He isn't worried about bringing a baby into this world. He's more worried about you, how you would feel about it. That's why he indirectly gave you the choice. He's in all the way jaylen ;with or without the baby he's not going anywhere any time soon."

As I finish my rant jaylen looks down as if she's processing what I just said. Good now she has something to think about.


A/N: sorry for such short chapter I promise the next one will be longer.


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