Chapter 46-tag team

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-Thomas POV-

   Turns out that house Parker stopped I front of is that kid named Zane. I really don't know about that kid he seems pretty weird. Or maybe that's just how he is weird and dark.

     Parker and Alex seem to like him so I guess I can try to get used to his presence or at least try to.

    The car was fairly quiet and I don't like it. Normally jaylen would be teasing Parker about baby names or Alex would be trying to get them to let him be the baby's godfather.

       Which I find funny but today there was just silence and I'm going to break it even it's weird for them. I mean what the hell they get all awkward when zanes in the car but not when we're being fucked?

       For fucks sakes Alex left a trail of hickeys on Jaylens chest while Parker fucked her. How do they not find that awkward?!

"So y'all just not going to talk?" I direct the question to anyone who would answer. Parker shrugs clearly upset about something. Jaylen opens his dashboard and starts going through it.

       There's a lot of crap in there if you ask me. He still carry's about hands sanitizer and his watermelon spray. It smells pretty good actually. Jaylen pops in a cd she found into CD player.

      The first song that came out was a shock at first. But knowing Parker he has some layers to him. I did not expect Alex to like the song tho or Zane? "Seriously? I thought you liked classical music Parker"

       Jaylen jokes as Parker taps along with the movie. Well might as well continue with the teasing "dammit guys now I have to return the Mozart's cd I got you" Alex snickers clearly trying not to laugh.

       "Says the one who listens to ballerina music" he did not just say that. "How dare you air my dirty laundry, two can play that game Parker" he has a look of amusement as Alex threaten to spill what He know about him. "Jaylen your boyfriend here has a very explicit scrapbook"

       He smirks as he tells Jaylen. "Omg really? How explicit?" She looks to parker for answers. Rolling his eyes Alex says "very explicit I've seen it myself by the way you have a very nice back parker" he mutters a fuck off to them.

I look at Zane and he has that face like he knows what their talking about "wish I could say the same thing about your play boy magazines Alex"

      Alex turns to Zane as he spills "you bitch, since we're talking about my magazines which is nothing really let's talk about your fascination with men's hands and being choked"

     I think they have seem to forgot jaylen is in the car. She looks at Alex through the mirror "shut up loser there's nothing wrong with nice hands" seriously that's the only part she caught like she doesn't like choking and gagging Parker.

    Zane leans forward and grabs my hand showing it to Alex. Im just going to let him. "So you're telling me you don't want his hand wrapped around your throat?"

      Alex looks deep in thought while i give my opinion "I'd say he doesn't I don't think he wants to end up like Parker did" Alex tried so hard not to laugh but he couldn't hold it in.

      "Listen it's not my fault I have serious lung issues." I laughed knowing it probably is and I was right "kinda is Parker, do you forget that you're asthmatic but you still smoke?"

     Jaylen gives him a questioning look. So she doesn't know he smokes. "Ok but it's not that often...not anymore at least just when people are being a pain in the ass. Like right now for example"this conversation is the most entertaining I've ever heard.

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