See ya later Neighbor

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Phil's pov

"Goodnight boys." I smiled, shutting the door after Oliver and Ryley visited. Oliver really is a sweet boy, Jace could learn a thing or two. I love him, but he's no angel.

"Dad you wouldn't actually spank me, I'm fourteen and that's too old, right?" Jace asked me nervously. "Hey hun can you come to the livingroom?" I called to his mother. "W-what why are we having a family meeting about this? You're not seriously going to do that." Jace laughs awkwardly. I raise my eyebrow at my son and smile as my wife walks in. "The neighbors just visited." I smiled. "Which ones dear?" Darcy asked me. "Oliver and Ryley."


"I don't know babe do you really think it's a good idea to spank him?" Darcy worried, I had asked her to step into our bedroom to discuss this. "Nothing else has worked with him and he's been a monster since I stopped taking him over my knees." I mumbled, not particularly fond of the idea myself. "Hm you're right, he's not going to like that." She said knowingly. "He never has, that's why it worked." I pointed out.


After reassurance from his mom that I am making the right choice, I decide to get the dreaded deed over with.

No parent likes disciplining their kids, but I can't say he isn't overdue for some. I stopped spanking him when he turned twelve, convinced that he was too old and they wouldn't work with him anymore. However, he has proved me wrong.

"Jace." I called as I knocked on his door. I don't even want to imagine how messy it is behind this door. I sighed and opened it when I got no response. I walked in and observed my son laying on his bed with headphones on, I assume listening to music like he always does when he's nervous. He must have noticed my presence and peeks an eye open at me. "Sorry, didn't hear you come in." He said, moving the headphones off an ear.

"That's alright. Mind taking those off for me?" I asked nervously, but trying not to show it. He looked at me with apprehension but none the less took them off. "We need to talk about your punishment Jace." I said sternly, when he glanced at me expectantly. "Okay?" He shifts nervously. "Look, kid, I don't like this anymore than you do. I know it's awkward and uncomfortable, it is for both of us. But I know we raised you with at least a bit of sense. Why did you pick a fight with him?" I scolded. He shrugged and looked at his rug, a sign that he feels guilty. "Jace." I scolded sternly. "Dunno, I'm always the new kid and I'm sick of being picked on." He mumbled. I felt bad for him, I really did. However I can't let him get away with that behavior.

"So you bully an innocent kid? Because he's different he's an easy target? Jace Morgan you called him an orphan, all he did was invite you to play baseball with him. You're lucky Ryley isn't pressing charges for car damage." I lectured harshly, but still keeping my voice level. "I'm sorry." He whimpered almost silently. "He apologized to you and you had the audacity to be a brat. I am very disappointed with you." I said sharply, catching his attention. "Dad." He gasped sadly.

"Look, I know it's hard being the new kid, feeling different from everyone. But you did the same thing those boys did to you. You made him feel how you felt. That is unacceptable." I explained to him. "I really am sorry dad." Jace said sadly, looking up at me with teary eyes.

"Why are you sorry, kiddo?" I asked gently. "I-I was mean, a bully. And I fought. Disappointed you, I'm really sorry." He sniffled, wiping stray tears from his eyes. "I'm glad you're sorry, that makes my next job a bit easier." I said sternly, patting his thigh in comfort. He looked at me nervously. "I don't want arguing, this is what me and  mom decided is best. I know I stopped spanking you when you were twelve-"

"Dad! You can't be serious. I'm too old for that, you said it yourself! A-and you only want to s-spank me because of Oliver! You would never have done that to me." He whines, interrupting me. "Jace Morgan what did I just say about arguing?" I scolded harshly. "But- no! It's not fair." He complained. "It is fair, I am your father and you don't choose your punishment!" I said sternly, disgusted by my son's disrespect.

He looked away from me angrily, finally realizing he is not in charge and has no say in what is about to happen. "I won't let you." He growled angrily. "I'm afraid you don't really have a choice in that, kiddo." I sighed, knowing he wasn't going to make this easy. "You can't! You can't hit me for hitting him!" He seethed. "You do not raise your voice or order me around,  Jace. I am not hitting you, it's a spanking and you know it. It's only been two years since you were last over my knees and I don't think you've forgotten all that much. I already explained what the spanking is for, and you don't get a choice whether it happens or not, it is happening." I spoke sternly, not raising my voice.

"Its embarrassing, who gets spanked at fourteen?" He huffed. "No one is going to know unless you tell them Jace. I am done with your stalling and excuses." I sighed. "And mom agreed to this?" He asked like he didn't believe me. I nodded and saw his disappointment. He groaned and hid his face in his hands. "H-how many? And with what?" He asked embarrassed. "Until I think it's enough." I sighed, waiting for the tantrum. Surprisingly he just whined at my answer. "C-can you give me a number?" He asked nervously. "I gave you my answer, until I think it's enough." I stayed strict. "Okay...not too hard please, it's been a while." He whimpered. "I know what I'm doing kiddo." I reassured.


I guided my nervous son over my knees carefully. "Does it have to be on your lap?" He groaned. "Are you embarrassed?" I asked softly. "Yes!" He whined. "Then yes." I said sternly. It was much easier to fit him across my knee when he was younger and less lanky. Now it's a little awkward but I can manage. I remove his pajama pants, causing him to squirm and kick but one swat to his thigh kept his legs down. "Dad can you not pick a different punishment? Please?" He whined. "Hush and listen, I am disappointed in your behavior today. That twelve year old acting more mature and responsible than you did." I scolded, effectively shutting him up. I rubbed his back and let my hand drift down to his thigh, flinching when he jumped. "I'm starting Jace."I warned.

I noticed him tensing and decided not to make him wait any longer. I lifted my hand to my shoulder and let it fall open palmed onto his backside.


He gave no major reaction, just a gasp and a little whine so I decided the strength was right and began to throughly spank my child. Covering every inch of his bottom and the tops of his thighs in swats.


"Ah! Ow!"


"Enough! I- I've h-had enough!"

"That's not for you to decide Jace. You're not getting up until I've decided you've learned your lesson."




"Last five kiddo, count them for me."

"Can't! It hurts!"

SWAT! "Count."

"T-two ow!"

"Three! Sorry!"

"F-four! Dad!"

"Five! Five! N-no more!"

I rub my hand on his thigh gently and try to ease him down again. "Its done, kiddo." I mumbled. "I-it hurts!" He cried, burying his head into my lap. "I know, I know kiddo." I soothed, rubbing circles on his back. "Sorry." He sniffled. "You're alright hun, all forgiven." I said gently, lifting him upright into my lap. "I hated doing that to you then, and I hated doing it to you now. But it's the only thing that works with you and I only spank you because I love you kid." I comfort. He leans against my chest and calms himself down. "There's no chance that was just a one time thing huh?" He asked softly. I chuckled and kissed his head, "I don't think so kiddo."

A/N: this covered 2 requests! Jace's spanking, and a chapter in the spanker's pov!! Hope you enjoyed!!

Requests are welcome!


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