Lets get ready to rumble!

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I always feel really guilty when I'm in trouble. Ryley just has this way with words, he can make you feel guilty even if you thought you were doing something right. I know from experience that he can change your whole perspective. I often end up in tears just from a scolding and it only gets worse from there.

I thought what I did was right. I had a reason for it and I think it's acceptable. Maybe not my best decision, but acceptable. I know what you're all thinking, get on with the story. So here we go.

Caleb Bradley. Walking trash. He picks on me like there's no tomorrow and after the last incident, I haven't pulled Ryley into it again. I could just ignore him and his stupid laugh. I don't care if he messes with me, he's a minor inconvenience. However as soon as he started picking on Alyssa, (see chapter titled : Snitch) I started to get mad. From pulling her hair to tripping her in the hallway, he's done it all. And that "if a boy is mean to you he likes you" bullcrap doesn't make it okay. That may work for some people, but that's not how I was raised, I was taught if I liked a girl to treat her with the respect she deserves.

"Stop picking on her, asshole!" I yelled as I watched Caleb trip Alyssa for the second time today. "Ooh are you mad I'm messing with your girlfriend Ollie?" Caleb mocked. I rolled my eyes and shut my locker. "She's not my girlfriend Caleb, she's my friend and I would appreciate it if you would stop." I grumbled, helping Alyssa pick up her things. "Thanks." She smiled at me. I nodded and helped her off the floor. It was the end of the day, so I offered to carry her bag for her and walk her outside.

"Sure she's not yours, Romeo?" Caleb smirked. "She doesn't belong to anyone, she's not an object." I growled at him. He looked surprised for a moment, before getting that stupid smile back on his face. "If she ain't yours, I'll take her." He winked at Alyssa. "And what gives you the idea I want anything to do with you, besides your ignorance?" Alyssa scoffed. "Playing hard to get?" He smirked. "Playing hard to like?" She snapped back. I suppressed a laugh at the sight of Caleb's face turning red.

"Listen here, where I come from girls shut their mouth and look pretty. I don't like this attitude you have going on, girly." He growled at Alyssa, inches from her face. "Get off of her." I huffed and pushed him off. He fell on the floor and glared at me with angry eyes. "You're disgusting." Alyssa stated before grabbing her bag from me and heading outside. I wasn't far behind her.

"Thank you for standing up for me." Alyssa smiled. "No problem, although you don't really need any help." I answered referring to her responses. "Only because you were there, I'd never be confident to say that without you there to protect me." She laughed. "I wasn't protecting you, I was merely assisting you." I smiled. "Well whatever it was, thank you. You're a good guy Ollie." She said before kissing my cheek and getting in her mom's car.

I blushed and lightly touched my cheek. Before I knew it I was whipped around by an angry Caleb holding me off my feet by my shirt. "What the hell?!" I screamed. "Shut up. I thought i made it pretty clear that she's mine. And look at you, running around with my property." Caleb growled. "She's not your anything. She's a human being and you can't own her." I huffed and pushed his arm away from me. He didn't let go. "She's not mine, huh? Well she ain't yours either. You're too much of a sissy to claim her." He spat. "Alyssa isn't yours, she can't be claimed. She's a person and will do what she wants. The last thing she needs is some ugly dumbass messing with her!" I yelled in his face.

He smirked and set me down. "We'll see about that, I'll make her mine tomorrow. Whether she likes it or not." He shrugged and tried to walk off. I did the unthinkable. I grabbed his shoulder to spin him around and then I swung. I landed at least four good punches and only received one before I was lifted off my feet again. I was kicking and screaming profanities until a very familiar voice stopped me. "OLIVER!" Ryley boomed. I looked up to see a very pissed off brother, and looked down to see Caleb with a bloody nose and black eye. Wow I can't believe I did that. I don't know what happened to Caleb, I was hanging limp in my brother's hold, all the adrenaline had left my body and the fear set in.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you even know how wrong fighting is? You could have gotten hurt! You could have very badly injured him too!" Ryley yelled as soon as we were inside. "I-I know i-it was wrong but just listen to me for a second." I pleaded, just to be ignored. "Sit your ass down." Ryley ordered, pointing to the couch. I immediately sat down and waited for him to do something. "Who hit first?" He asked coldly. "W-well technically-" "I don't want technically I want an answer!" He yelled, cutting me off. "But-" I started. "Oliver! I want a straight answer and I want it now!" Ryley said harshly. "I hit first, but he grabbed me first. He came up to me and pulled me off my feet by my shirt! In front of everyone! Do you know how humiliating that is?" I rambled angrily.

"I know its wrong, and I'm sorry but he's been tormenting me this whole year, and I've put up with it. Until he started picking on Alyssa and claiming he owned her. She's a person! He can't own her! I told him that. I've watched him trip her, push her, pull her hair for months! Someone had to do something! Then he said he would make her his whether she liked it or not and I snapped!" I ranted.

I took a breath and peeked up at Ryley. "I understand your reasoning but there are better ways to deal with it. You should have told me! Or any adult and we would've handled it. I would've handled it! Now I have to talk with your principal about you possibly being expelled." Ryley scolded harshly. "I was trying to help her." I mumbled. "If you wanted to help you should have told an adult when it started. Now you've pulled her into your mess too." He growled. I nodded sadly and listened to him talk. "Oliver you could be expelled! Then I would have to take off work to be with you and i can't afford to miss work. I understand you were trying to defend her, and I'm not saying not to stand up for people, but there are better ways then fighting." He sighed and I stated to feel really guilty.

At this point I was already crying and I hadn't even been spanked yet. I felt so guilty and I knew he was right. Violence isn't the answer to anything, and i should have went to him when it started. I made a bigger mess of things by trying to handle it myself.

"I'm sorry." I sniffled and raised my head to look at him. He looked at me and I could tell it hurts him to see me with red eyes and tear stained cheeks. "I know baby, I just don't know what to do about this." Ryley mumbled. I nodded and lowered my head again. I could just tell him to spank me, i deserve it and I've messed up too much today to fight it. I deserve this. I deserve this. I deserve this. "Spank me." I mumbled quietly. "What?" Ryley asked, probably not being able to hear me. I took a breath, I deserve this. "Spank me." I repeated louder. He raised his eyebrows and looked at me. "Really? You're asking for a spanking?" He asked, somewhat amused. "Yes, I deserve it and I'm not going to fight with you about it. I messed up too much for you not to." I answered shyly.

"I agree with you, although you've never asked me to spank you. You usually try to talk me out of it. You okay baby?" He asked gently. "I just feel guilty and I know that I shouldn't have done it. I'm really sorry bubby." I mumbled, snuggling into his side. He pulled me closer to him. "I know you're sorry and I no doubt you won't do it again. But I still think you need a spanking for your behavior." Ryley said gently. "Mmkay." I huffed sadly.

Ryley guided me over his lap and held me down with a hand on my back while he unbuckled his belt. I whine and squirm slightly, unhappy with his choice of implement. He rubbed my back and pulled my jeans off. My boxers also came down this time, which renewed my wiggling. "Please no!" I whined. "Hush." He ordered. He kept rubbing my back until I was fairly calm, from there I felt the dreaded warning taps on my thighs.

SMACK! "Ah!" SLAP! SMACK! WHACK! SPANK! SWAT! "Oliver, I hope you are learning not to put your hands on other people." SWAT! SPANK! "Ow!" WHACK! SLAP! SMACK! "Ryley!" SLAP! SMACK! "Are you going to fight again?" SWAT! "N-no s-sir!" SMACK! WHACK! SPANK! SWAT! SLAP! "P-please! I-it hurts!" SMACK! SLAP! WHACK! SLAP! SWAT! SPANK! SLAP! "Stop!"SMACK! WHACK! SPANK! "Oowww!"SLAP!

I was sobbing and begging for it to be over the entire time. I felt my brother lift my underwear over my spanked posterior and lift me into his lap.

"I love you baby. Please don't make me have to spank you like this." Ryley murmured into my ear. "S-so-rr-y." I hiccup. "Its all over and done with. Big brother will handle it." He comforted. I was being attacked with comforting words and kisses from every angle that he could reach. I was perfectly content on letting my brother coddle me for a while.

I regret swinging first, but you can't argue that he didn't deserve it.

Oliver Scott Where stories live. Discover now