Ollie's first spanking

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Oliver's pov age 7

Mama left Ryley in charge, no surprise there. I hate when she works, Ryley thinks he gets to be all bossy and tell me what to do, just because he's older.

"Ollie sweetheart, be good for Ryley while I'm at work. He can bust your butt if he has to." Mama warns while grabbing her purse from the table. "Mama." I whine and put my head in my hands. She always says that everytime he's watching me. Ryley has never given me more than a swat to the leg before, but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing. Knowing your big brother can spank you and you can't do anything about it but hope you don't get in trouble. "Hush baby. Ryley you only spank your bother if you have to. And if you do, make sure to tell me. If it's over some stupid bickering between you two and I don't think he deserved it I'll tear you up when I get home." She warns Ryley. "Yes ma'am. I'll take care of him." Ryley promises.

Mama nods and grabs her keys from the counter before turning towards us again. "Come give me hugs." She smiled and opened her arms. I ran to her and latched myself onto her waist while Ryley walked over. She pulled Ryley in and squeezed us both. "I love you boys. I'll be home after dinner. Ryley don't burn the place down. Oliver, watch your brother." She said and winked at me. She grabbed Ryley's cheeks and pulled his face to hers so she could kiss his forehead, Ryley returning a kiss to her cheek before she did the same to me.

I hopped up on the table and watched her leave the driveway. "Get off the table, your butt has no business being where we eat." Ryley said, picking me up from under my arms. "I can get down myself!" I whined and squirmed around. "Quit being a brat just because mom left. I was just getting you off the table." Ryley said meanly. "I'm not a brat." I growled at my brother. "Yes you are. Go do something, somewhere else, and away from me. You can come back when you're done with the attitude." He scolded and turned to push me down the hall, towards our room. "No! I'm not in trouble so you can't make me go to our room! I want Mama you're so mean!" I started screaming, I don't know why I'm so upset. I just feel nervous and clingy today but Mama left. (A/n: I used to say I was "nervous" when I was little, before I knew what anxiety was. Ollie is feeling anxious and that's confusing for a little kid.)

"Oliver! Quit screaming, she's going to come back." Ryley said over my screaming. I was still crying and yelling about wanting Mama, not even realizing when Ryley bent down to give me a hug. I thought he was trying to pick me up to take me to our room so I panicked. I started to struggle and flail my arms around. "Let me go, put me down!" I screamed. I couldn't calm down, why am I panicking so much? I need to be let go.

In my panic, I started to hit and kick at my brother. "Oliver, you have to calm down." I could hear Ryley's panicked voice but I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. He sat down on the floor and pulled me into his lap, holding me down while my arms and legs were moving practically on their own. "Shhh calm down. I got you." He whispered in my ear, trying to soothe me. I was still tense and trying to get away from him. "Let go!" I whined and tried to wiggle away. "Are you done screaming?" He asked. "No!" I yelled. "No? Ok we'll just sit here until you're done." Ryley shrugged. "No!" I yelled again, punching his arm that was around my waist. "The more you hit me the longer we're sitting here. I know you're upset that mom left but you don't have to throw a fit." He scolded me, tightening his grip on me. "Let me go!" I screamed and scratched at his hand, trying to get him to let go. "Hey! That's enough." Ryley said harshly, popping my leg with his free hand.

That just made me cry more. "You hit me! Let go! I'm telling!" I cried, trying to wiggle away. "Go ahead, tell Mama that I swatted you because you are throwing a fit and scratched me." He said casually, shifting my weight so he could hold me down better. "No!" I yelled and pushed at his hand. "I'm not letting go until you calm down. I'm not hurting you." Ryley said sternly, grabbing my hand. I'm not even sure why I'm so upset, I just am and I want him to let me go. "Let go!" I sobbed and tried to kick him. "You kick me and watch how fast you get popped." He warned. I stopped trying to kick, and started to cry again. "Oliver all you have to do is calm down. As soon as you stop I'll let you go. You have to calm down before you hurt one of us." Ryley said gently, pushing my hair out of my face. Something in me snapped and I bit him. He was wiping my face with his hand, and I bit him. Right between his thumb and pointer finger. "Ow! Shit!" Ryley yelped and shook his hand.

He shifted me onto one of his legs and moved my leg out of the way, getting clear aim to my butt. SWAT SWAT SWAT

He just spanked me. I immediately started to cry. "O-ow!" I sobbed and tried to get away. He stood us both of before kneeling back down to my height. "You do not bite me!" He seethed, inches away from my face. I cover my butt with my hands and cried, shaking my head. "There is no reason for this. I know you get upset when Mama leaves but that's enough. You are too old to be acting like this. Now are you going to tell me what's wrong or do you need a spanking first?" Ryley scolded harshly, forcing me to make eye contact. He's scolding me like mama does. I immediately shook my head and tried to catch my breath. "W-want mom!" I cried. "I understand that but you can't throw a fit like this everytime she leaves. You know better than that." He said sternly, but not yelling.

"S-sorry." I sniffled. Ryley picked me up and carried me back into the living room and out of the hallway, sitting us on the couch with me on his lap. "How old are you?" He asked me. I was confused, he knows how old I am. "S-seven." I mumbled. "That's right. You're seven years old and in first grade. You learned not to bite in preschool. You are being mean." He scolded me. "N-not mean." I hiccupped, still upset about being in trouble. "Yes, you're being very mean. You don't hit. You punched me, slapped me, scratched me, and even tried to kick me. Then you bit me. Does that sound like you were being nice?" He asked sternly. "N-no." I mumbled. "You can be sad and upset because Mama had to leave but you can not throw a fit and be mean. You hurt me and now you're in trouble." Ryley said gently. "Don't wanna be in trouble. I d-didn't mean to hurt bubby. Was just sad." I whined.

"I know you were sad. I get sad when Mama leaves too, but you don't see me screaming and crying everytime she leaves. Big feelings are hard to control but you can come and talk to bubby instead of throwing a fit. When you get that worked up you loose control and can hurt yourself or other people and that's not good. You really hurt bubby, look." Ryley explained gently, pointing out the scratches and red marks I had left on him. "I'm sorry!" I cried harder and threw my arms around him, forcing him to hug me. I feel so bad, I didn't want to hurt him! He rubbed my back and held me against his chest, rocking us both. "Shh stop crying. You're alright." Ryley hushed me and patted my back when I started to cough.

"Are y-you mad at me?" I asked nervously. "No, I'm not mad at you." He answered. "Are you gonna spank me again?" I whimpered, but I had to know the answer. "I should." He replied, making me whine. "But I'm not going to. As long as you promise not to bite me again." He smiled. "I promise! I won't bite again, not ever!" I said quickly.

"Then I think you're free to go, squirt." Ryley smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "Do you gotta tell mom?" I asked, not wanting to be in trouble with her. "Yeah squirt I do. But I'll tell her I took care of it and walloped you real good." He laughed and winked at me, making me laugh.

I made a promise today and I'll keep it. I won't ever bite Ryley again. And hopefully he never spanks me again either!

A/n: sorry for slow updates my mental health has been horrible lately but I finally found the motivation to write! I was thinking about taking down some of my older chapters, I don't like how I wrote them and a lot of them I forced. It made some of my characters come out as something they're not and I'm just not happy with it. Let me know what you guys think I should do, should I leave the chapters up or take them down?

As always comments, questions and requests go here. Thanks for reading my loves!


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