Bad Grade Cherades

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Ian's pov

"My dad is going to kill me!" I whined when I got my report card. "Ryley might not be too happy either." Ollie sighed. "You don't understand I told my dad I was doing good in math! And when he sees this he'll know i was lying and kill me!" I whimpered. "Well at least I didn't lie to my brother, he still won't be too happy though." Ollie smiled sympathetically.

I really don't want a spanking. My dad is very intimidating when he's mad. He's about 6'3, and I'm like 5 foot! This is the end of me. I'm going to die a miserable death at twelve years old.

"How was school bub?" My dad asked me once I got in the car. "Fine, how was your day?" I asked nervously. "Same old boring work. I was excited to spend some time with you. I missed you. " He smiled. "I missed you too." I chuckled.

"Did you get your report card today bubs?" He asked, opening the front door. "No we'll get them on Monday." I blurted out before I could stop myself. "Hm, I thought you'd be getting it today." He hummed confused. "Nope the printer broke." I lied. "That's unfortunate." He smiled.

Ian's Dad pov

I know he's lying to me. I've already checked with his teachers and they said they were passing out report cards today.

I'm not too worried, he'll feel guilty enough to tell me before the weekend is over. Its frustrating that he would lie, but the longer he waits to tell me the harder his punishment will be. I hate spanking him, but he needs to learn not to lie.

Ian's pov

I already feel guilty but I can't back down now. I really really really hate being spanked.

Should I confess? No, I can't...but I should uuggghhh.

I'm going to tell him eventually

No, I know I'll hide my report card!

I stuffed it to the bottom of my desk drawer and filled it up with papers and trash to cover it. Hopefully this works

"Hey bub come eat dinner!" My dad yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I called back and slammed the drawer shut.

Ian's Dad's pov

I know he's hiding it. Come on kid don't make things harder than it has to be.

"Anything happen at school today?" I asked. I noticed he immediately froze before trying to play it off. "N-no, no. Nothing really." He stuttered.

I can't believe he's still trying to lie about this.

I sighed, catching his attention. "I know you got your report card today, the school called this morning. Go get it." I said sternly.

"D-dad but really I didn't get mine." He hesitated. "Do you really want to keep lying to me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at my son. He shook his head and turned to go back to his room. I waited for my little troublemaker patiently.

He walked back into the kitchen nervously and handed me the paper with tears in his eyes. I set the paper to the side and scooped up my precious boy. "Hey bubs what's wrong?" I asked gently, wiping a tear off his face. He didn't answer instead he nuzzled into my shoulder. "Shh baby it's ok." I comforted him the best I could without knowing what was wrong, I had an idea of what might be bothering my boy.

"Did you get a bad grade bubs?" I asked gently. He stiffened in my arms and cried harder, nodding his head. "Oh baby its alright, calm down bub." I squeezed him closer to me.

"D-dad are you mad at me?" He sobbed. "No bubs. Of course I'm not mad, just calm down for me." I reassured him softly.

After a while he was still crying, he needed to calm down.

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