Dance Little Liar (8.2)

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Make sure you read 8.1 first x

~*~*~*~ November 6th 2007 ~*~*~*~

You'd been on tour with the lads for a little over three weeks now, and things had been fun. You were certainly happy to be spending so much time with some of your favourite people again.

Things with Alex were... different.

In a good way though. You two were over anything sour that had happened in the past and were just enjoying each other's company. The two of you weren't discrete about it either, Alex always seemed to have his hands on you in some way.

If you two were sitting on the settee, then your legs were in his lap and his fingers were tracing shapes on your thighs. More often than not before and after shows, on the walk to and from the bus, Alex would hold your hand or wind up carrying you on his back back to the bus, or into whatever venue the lads were playing at.

The bunk you had claimed as yours was empty every night as you typically ended up sleeping in Alex's with him, the two of you cuddled close to each other in the confined space. With anyone else, it would've been claustrophobic, but with Alex it felt nothing but content.

Mornings you were often awoken with a few soft kisses to the crown of your head and then to your forehead. A couple of days over the tour, the lads would be gone for interviews but Alex seemed to make it a point to kiss you before he left as you decided to just hang out in the bus while they did their thing. You needed at least some time to try and do some of your assignments for your Masters.

Today is one of the days when they all had to go out for an interview and Alex is reluctant to leave. The others are all annoyed, waiting at the door as he kisses you once more, probably for the fifth or sixth time since he said he was going.

You both laugh as Matt shouts, "Fuck's sake, Al, she'll still be here when we're done. Come on!"

He kisses you once more, making your three other friends groan and roll their eyes but he leaves with them shortly after. You find that your heart flutters long after he's gone though, and starts again when you get the text from him saying that they are on their way back.

You busied yourself on the days that they were off for interviews, either doing uni work, or just doodling or reading. You did need to start putting uni first a little more, but the pull you felt to be near Alex when he was around made you forget all about those responsibilities.

However, today was a day where they had an interview then had to go straight in for soundcheck before the gig, so you were set up on the couch keeping an eye out the window so you could pop in and listen to soundcheck. You'd heard all of them, but you weren't tired of listening to the band set up. It was interesting to hear things before everything was properly set up and then listen to them talk things over with the sound guys.

By the time a couple of hours had passed, they had all returned. You slipped your shoes on before joining them, and Alex hung back from the rest of the lads to wait for you.

"Hey, Angel," He grins as you walk over to him. He puts his arm around your shoulders and kisses the side of your head.

"Hey, Shakespeare," You grin back at him, "How was it?"

"Ah, the same twenty questions everyone else has asked." He mutters and you chuckle as you two begin to walk towards the venue. "Lads wanna go out after the show tonight."

"That sounds fun." You nod, enjoying the feeling of his thumb caressing the side of your hand.

"Hm," Alex hums and smiles at you before suggesting, "Was thinking maybe you and I could stay in instead?"

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