#30: You Know I Took The Poison, From The Poison Stream

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Hello again. :)

Idk what to write in the author's note to make it interesting. The song up there is "Running To Stand Still" by U2 because I still am terrible at finding original titles and use song lyrics instead.

Trigger warnings: drug and alcohol abuse, a bit of smoking (idk, do people use trigger warnings for smoking?)

This one-shot is a request by Ela_Evza. I hope you'll like it. ♥

Published on August 2021

Loki glanced at the clock on the opposite wall; it was 10:28. It wasn't particularly late, but since he had nothing to do, he thought he could go to sleep or basically lie down and try to sleep. For sleep never came easy. He sat at the edge of his bed, took the pill bottle that was placed on the nightstand table and looked at the label –'Valium'– for a couple of seconds before he shook a pill into his palm. A sigh escaped his lips; he was supposed to not use any substances of that kind anymore. Damn, he had spent a month in rehab to get over his... drug problem.

Yes, Loki had a drug problem. Mainly sniffing coke, and sometimes hitting up with cocaine or heroin or both. Sometimes even drinking at night. No one around him had known for months until Thor found him unconscious with a syringe into his arm that one night Loki had accidentally overdosed on heroin. And, after rehab, he thought he was done with drugs for good. Until he had a relapse and was too ashamed to talk to anyone about it.

No, he wasn't hitting up drug injections anymore, wasn't using as much as he used to. But he would snuff sometimes and used Valium to get himself to sleep at night –since he always had a hard time falling asleep.

He was about to toss that Valium pill into his mouth when his cell phone rang. Oh, for heaven's sake, Loki huffed and rolled his eyes as he put the pill back into its bottle and stood up clumsily to pick up the phone. He raised his eyebrows when he saw who was calling him as he answered the call.

"Hey, Y/N," he said calmly.

"Hey. So, umm... We're having a night out –you know, me, Thor, Nat, and the others; we even convinced Bruce– and we thought you might want to come. So... do you want to come?"

"I mean, I was about to go to bed, but I'm not particularly tired, so, yeah, I guess it's going to be cool."

"Okay," Y/N said, and she probably did some kind of gesture to the others because Loki heard cheering over the phone. "We're at the usual place. Don't be late."

"Won't be. Count to a hundred; I'm on my way."

He hung up and walked to the wardrobe in order to change his clothes. He put on a casual shirt and jeans and then snuffed a load of coke before leaving.

"At last!" was the first thing Loki heard when he stepped into the bar –it was Y/N. He smiled as he approached.

"Hey," he greeted them, his grin still wide as he sniffed and rubbed his nose before he pulled the empty chair between Y/N and Bucky and sat down. "I see you've already taken your drinks, so give me a minute to do the same thing," he said then and stood up again.

About a minute later, he was back with a glass of vodka in his hand. The others had decided not to drink too much because they had to work the following morning, but Loki was a whole different story. He just didn't care –it was as simple as that. Didn't care if he got drunk, didn't care if he had a shitty hangover in the morning, wouldn't care even if he dropped dead of alcohol or drugs at that very moment. He simply felt he had nothing to lose. No beautiful life, no people who really needed him (they would be sad if he died, but they would get over it, eventually).

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