#46: Because Of You - Part II

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Hi. :)

So, this is the second and last part of the request I got from skylark365.

Trigger warnings include graphic description of domestic abuse, a couple of references to drug and alcohol use/addiction. Also, use of the f-slur.

Enjoy :)

Published on August 2022


Loki was weak, in pain. There was blood—his blood—on his face, and it was as if something heavy lay on top of him, something holding him down, holding him still.

He squirmed against the ground, his breath coming out in heavy gasps, his eyesight unfocused and distant. He barely recognised his surroundings—his room, his bed, his brother coming to his side. But he couldn't get up, could barely move. His lungs burned, his breath hitching in his throat. His muscles trembled.

Strong hands—Thor's—lifted him from the ground by the armpits and carried him to the bed, setting him down gently.

"Loki," he heard his brother say. "Loki, can you hear me?"

Loki nodded, a weak movement, and Thor put a hand on his chest, below his sternum. "Can you breathe okay?"

Loki's chest rose and fell in an uneven rhythm. "Y/N," he managed, his voice quiet. "Where is Y/N?"

Thor's brow furrowed, but he didn't speak for a while. Loki wasn't very coherent as he lay there on his back, head spinning, breathing heavily. He cleaned the blood off his face with a handkerchief, thankful that Odin hadn't broken Loki's nose and caused him further injury.

"Where is Y/N?" Loki repeated, louder this time, trying to sit up. "Where is she?"

Thor put a hand on Loki's chest, pushing him back down into the mattress. "Woah, easy, brother," he said. "She might still be outside—I'll check, okay? You just lie down."

Loki nodded and closed his eyes. Staying conscious was hard, so hard... He had the notion of steps drifting away from him, of a window creaking open, of Thor's voice calling Y/N's name, not too loud but loud enough for her to hear it if she was close. He groaned in pain when silence spread, and then distorted voices sounded—or maybe they weren't so distorted, and it seemed so because his ears were ringing.

Loki could not quite understand what was being said, but he caught words like 'concussion,' 'bleeding,' and 'hospital.' among others. I need a doctor, he thought. I feel like I'm about to die.

A hand touched his forehead, and he could tell it wasn't his brother's. "Y/N," he croaked, opening his eyes just a little. "I... I... this is... It isn't... I'm..." He closed his eyes again and drew in a sharp breath. "I needed to... get out... Away..."

Thor said, "He's delirious."

"He's right."

Loki remained silent, wishing his bloody headache he away, putting extra effort to maintain his focus on what Thor and Y/N were saying.

"But what can we do?" Thar asked.

"We cannot do much," Y/N said, "but there are people who can." She sat at the edge of the mattress and reached for his forearm. "Loki, I'm going to call my mother, okay? I'm going to tell her what's happening, and she's going to help you."

"Anything to stop," Loki said, and even though distressed, his voice sounded clear. "I just want this to stop. I want everything to stop."

Y/N leaned and planted a soft kiss on his forehead and then stood up and walked to the other side of the room.

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