Chapter 2

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Breakfast was the same as usual, if you ignore the awkward tension that is. After putting some food on my plate, I went and sit next to Leviathan, who had been really quiet the whole time. Asmo pulled out the chair next to me, much to Mammon's dismay.

"Hey, I wanted to sit next to MC!" He crossed his arms while Asmo just waves him off.

"You can sit somewhere else, I got here first." He immediately started eating, completely ignoring Mammon's protests. I look at Leviathan, his gaze fixed completely on the plate in front of him but he didn't seem to make a move to eat, just poking the food on his plate.

"Levi? Are you okay?" He didn't answer and just continue poking at his food. I was confused, is he intentionally ignoring me or did he not hear me? I tried again, "Levi?" I gently shook his shoulders which seemed to do the trick. He blinked and turned to look at me, a confused look on his face.

"Huh? MC did you say something?" He glanced at his plate again before looking at me, still looking a bit confused.

"Yeah, I asked if you were okay, did you not hear me?" I asked him as I took a bite of the food.

"Oh, I uh I'm sorry, I didn't hear you, I was lost in my thoughts," he blushed a little, probably ashamed that he didn't hear me.

"It's okay Levi, so are you?"

"What?" He asked confused.

"Are you okay?" I asked feeling a bit concerned now.

"Oh uh yeah I'm fine, sorry," he turned his face away from me, avoiding meeting my eyes and rubbed his neck.

"You don't seem okay to me." I set down my spoon.

"Sorry sorry but I'm fine really," even as he said so, he's still avoiding to meet my eyes.

"Then why aren't you eating?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh, I just uh um I'm not really that hungry," he stood up abruptly, "I uh I gotta go." He turned to leave but I reach out to pull his hand to stop him. Just as my hand touched his, someone grabbed my wrist and yanked it away.

"What the-" I didn't manage to finish my sentence before someone cut me off.

"I'm not letting you touch another demon, not on my watch," Kegan looked down at me before glaring at Levi. Levi turned around at the sound and his eyes slightly widen when he saw Kegan. His eyes fell on Kegan holding my wrist and he frowned before glaring at Kegan. He turned around to leave and I try to stand up.


"It's fine MC, I'm just gonna go to my room," he cuts me off. With one last glance at me, he turned and left. I stood there and I could feel the eyes of the other brothers looking at me. Someone cleared their throat and I turned around. It was Belphie.

"I think I'll leave too, I'm taking a nap." He left without another word and I just stare at the door.

"I think she'd like it better if you let go of her wrist, Kegan," Satan spoke. Kegan let go of my wrist with a grunt and pulled out the chair Levi had been sitting. He was about to sit in it but all of the sudden, Mammon was already sitting there.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kegan frowned.

"I'm eating breakfast here, find somewhere else to seat." Mammon turned to continue eat his breakfast. This made Kegan frown even more and it made me smile a bit. I turn to face Mammon but he was already watching me, a smile on his lips as he winks at me. I hold back a chuckle and mouthed a thank you to him which he gives a nod of acknowledgement.

After we were all done with breakfast, I was about to go to my room when I spotted Beel. He has a sad expression on his face like he always does when he's hungry. I ignored Kegan's sounds of protest as I left him and went to Beelzebub. He looked up at me as I near him.

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