Chapter 7

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 I set down the bags on the floor and leaned back against the couch and let out a sigh. Belphie took the seat on my left while Asmo immediately took my right and hugging my arm and snuggling next to me as he rests his head on my shoulder. All the other brothers were already here when we entered the common room.

"Oi Asmo stop snuggling up to MC like that!" Mammon said still grumpy that Asmo won't let me go.

"Shut up Mammon," Lucifer shushed him, "Seems like we're all here, so let's start this meeting," Lucifer said in that collective calm vice of his. I could feel Kegan standing right behind my seat instead of taking one of the empty seats. I also noticed how he seems more guarded here compared to while we were at Purgatory Hall.

"Kegan, are you sure you don't want to take a seat?" Satan spoke up.

"I'm fine," he answered, his voice annoyed and defensive.

"Suit yourself," Satan shrugged and went back to the book he's holding.

"Satan stop reading for now, will you?" Satan just tsked in answer at Lucifer and closed his book. "And Beel stop eating," Lucifer sighed.

"But I'm hungry," Beel frowned down at his food.

"We just ate Beel," Levi reminded him.

"I'm still hungry," was all Beel answered which surprised no one really.

"Let's just get this meeting over with quickly," Belphie yawned.

"Yeah, hurry up Lucifer," Mammon added. Lucifer just sighed, ever the single mother he is.

"Alright alright," Lucifer took a long look at Kegan before continuing, "I talked to Diavolo about this situation-"

"Of course he did," Belphie mumbled to me.

"-and he said that we have no choice but to let you stay until you decide to leave by yourself," he finished.

"What?!" Immediately there were objections from the brothers, especially Mammon and Belphie.

"Oh I'm not leaving, you can tell the demon prince that," Kegan replied icily.

"Hell no, you are not staying here!" Belphie shot back as he turns in his seat to glare at Kegan.

"Belphie..." Beel had a worried look on his face as he looks at his twin.

"You don't tell me anything Belphegor," Kegan sneered.


"That's enough Belphie," Lucifer sighed cutting him off.

"He is not staying here!" Belphie turned to look at Lucifer, rage burning in his eyes.

"Please calm down and listen to what I have to say next," Lucifer let out yet again another sigh and leaned back against his seat.

"Belphie, c'mon calm down," I grabbed his hand and he stared at me for a while before grunting and seating back down. At least he didn't take out his demon form, so that's a good thing at least.

"Say what you want Belphegor, I'm not following your orders," Kegan said in a pissed of tone. In a flash Belphie was out of his seat and in his demon form, glaring at Kegan straight in the eye. I spoke too soon.

"Belphegor!" Lucifer warned him.

"Belphie, calm down," Beel tried to calm down his twin. I gripped Belphie's hand and stilled when I felt the thorns on Belphie's tail brush against my legs.

"Go on, attack me Belphegor, prove to me just how right I am that you demons can't control yourself and why MC needs a guardian angel," Kegan challenged him. For a while they just glare at each other, the tension in the air getting thicker as seconds pass and I feel Asmo pull me closer against him just in case the two of them actually get into a fight. I see Mammon, Lucifer and Beel in their seats ready to jump out if a fight actually happens. Really, why is my day like this? Asmo scooted further back to put as much distance between us and the two of them but Belphie suddenly pulled my hand back. He grunted before sitting back down, his demon form gone. He was gripping my hand hard but not enough to hurt me so I gripped his back as a way to comfort him.

"Now listen," Lucifer cleared his throat to get back everyone's attention, "Kegan you're given the choice to stay at Purgatory Hall," Lucifer informed him.

"I can?" He actually sounded genuinely surprised.

"Yes, I have also asked Simeon about this matter and he too agreed to let you stay there," Lucifer inclined his head.

"That's... great actually," Kegan said but he sounded unsure.

"Great, you can go and live there," Belphie cut in. Kegan seemed to consider it for a moment before shaking his head.

"No," he said curtly.

"What do you mean no?" Belphie asked in disbelief.

"It means no, Belphegor. I'm not staying there," Kegan answered swiftly.

"What do you mean you're not staying there? The angels live there! Why not you?" Belphie questioned him.

"I won't stay there cause I'm not leaving MC here alone with you demons," he replied haughtily.

"No, you are staying there," Belphie objected.

"I will stay there if MC stays there too,"the brothers immediately starts objecting when Kegan said that.

"No, MC is going to stay here with us while you are going to stay there at Purgatory Hall," Belphie fought back.

"Where I stay is a choice that I make, isn't that right, Lucifer?" He glanced at Lucifer and Lucifer nodded.

"Yes, that is Kegan's choice and not yours to make Belphie." Lucifer just pinched the bridge of his nose when Belphie looks at him in disbelief. Belphie open's his mouth to speak but Lucifer just cuts him off. "Sit down Belphie, this is not the time to argue,"

"Okay, let's say Kegan does stay here-" Satan started to say.

"He isn't," Belphie cuts him.

"I didn't say he was, if he did stay here, where is he going to sleep though? The only spare room there is, is already used by MC," Satan shook his head.

"There is the attic-" Mammon started but Belphie cuts him off.

"I am not giving up the attic to him and he is not staying here." Belphie said not leaving any room for arguments. Lilith's bedroom flashed in my mind as I locked eyes with Lucifer but I didn't even have to say it as he shakes his head. Not that I was going too, I know how much that bedroom means to the brothers.

"That's easy, I'm sleeping with MC," Kegan answered.

"What?! No ya ain't-" Mammon yelled.

"I am," he glared at the brothers and they immediately broke into an argument.

"That's not fair!" Levi yelled.

"You can't sleep with MC!" Asmo piped up. Soon all of them were yelling and I glance at Lucifer's face as he let out a miserable heavy sigh. Beel was the only one trying to calm his brothers down but they were all ignoring him. Right in the middle of the heated, argument the door to the common room slammed opened and two pair of footsteps could be heard enter the common room.

A/N: lmao ppl I have like a mountain of assignments I've been ignoring for a really really long time now but instead I'm procrastinating and writing this story which I am honestly still not sure if it's any good

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