Chapter 25

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After choosing a mask for all three of us, at which Asmo and Solomon bought matching ones, silver and rose gold in two different designs, and also buying some accessories to match with my dress, we went over to the men's section of the store.

"There's a lot of amazing ones, how am I ever going to choose one?" Asmo sighs.

"You haven't even choose or tried on one, and you called MC picky?" Solomon says as he browses through some suits.

"But just look at this Solomon! How am I supposed to choose?" Solomon doesn't even look up.

"Uh huh sure but you promised we're just going to buy our outfits and nothing else right? So choose only one Asmo,"

"Wait, when did you guys make that promise?" I glance at the both of them and Solomon kind of froze.

"Oh he promised to join our shopping today but I'm not allowed to buy anything other than that!" Asmo answer and Solomon looks like he's mentally face-palming himself.

"Oh? I thought you said earlier that you didn't get a chance to say anything about the shopping Solomon? What's this now?" I look at him.

"Alright fine, I did agree to go shopping with you two but only because Asmo promised me he won't buy anything else other than the outfit,"

"So you were intentionally late!"

"No, I was asleep,"

"Whatever but what does Asmo not buying anything else has to do with you going or not?"

"I don't want to go around carrying all his stuffs," Solomon sighs.

"Oh but you still are carrying these!" Asmo pipes up.

"I know and that's why I don't want you to add more," Solomon sighs again.

"But Asmo, I can carry my own-"

"Shh let Solomon carry them, he is the gentleman after all," Asmo cuts me off.

"And you're not?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Of course I am but today the two of us will be the ladies," Asmo holds up a suit, "Solomon what about this one?"

"I don't see how green is supposed to match the mask we chose Asmodeus,"

"Pity, it's a beautiful color," Asmo puts it back.

"You know Asmodeus, I'm starting to think the only reason you invite me shopping is to carry your bags,"

"Of course not! And you said so yourself that I need you to choose,"

"You know you could just say no Solomon,"

"And like I said before, I just never seem to be able to tell him no," Solomon shrugs. I watch Solomon walk over to Asmo and they discuss about the suits and choosing.

"You know, you two are a really good couple and I really feel like I'm intruding you two right now," the two of them stop and look at me before Asmo burst into laughter.

"Oh honey, we're not a couple! We're just really good friends!" I glance between the two of them, Asmo with one arm hooked through Solomon's arm, trying to decide if Asmo is joking.

"You're not?"

"Of course not! Oh, are you jealous? I didn't knew you felt such thing about me! Or is it Solomon? It's me right?"

"No no, it's nothing like that. You just look like a couple that's it,"

"We do? Well I think we'd be a great couple! Actually, anyone who is in a relationship with me, we'll be a great couple! They are with me after all," Asmo muses.

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