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Hey, so I saw people say that Lucifer and Simeon aren't really brothers, that they just think of each other as such but then again that's just the same with the other brothers since they're not really brothers but just has the same creator. Even if Lucifer and Simeon aren't really brothers, even back in Celestial Realm, I still think of them as such and also it's because I'm too lazy to change the story at the part where they talked about Simeon and the brothers in chapter 4 and 9. And okay maybe this is a bit late to say this but I'm guessing some of you guys were expecting Simeon to be the guardian angel since I put his picture as the cover story but it's not, sorry to disappoint you. Or maybe you thought this would be a Simeon and MC fanfic but uh no it's not. So why exactly did I put Simeon as the cover story? Well first of all it's bcs I suck at drawing or I would've put a drawing of Kegan and MC there instead and second, Simeon plays an important role for the ending I want, so yeah that's that.

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