I wasn't lookin' when I stumbled onto you, musta been fate

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Thank you to everyone who left kudos, I really really appreciate it!

So here's going to be a little bit of what happened in Star after Oliver left in this one. Obviously things didn't go the way they did in the show.

Just a little reminder, Damien Darhk is dead (well get into more detail at some point)

Ruvé Adams is the Mayor of Star City.

Laurel did take the job as District Attorney but still puts on her suit from time to time, not as often as she used to though.

Thea has started to go to college for some courses and she also isn't going out as often as she used to.

I really hope everything makes sense, let me know if something is confusing, I wrote this while laying in bed with the flu... so yeah, it might have some issues... sorry if it does.


Chapter 32

I wasn't lookin' when I stumbled onto you, musta been fate I'd do anything for you to show you how much I adore you


Oliver was sitting in his favorite armchair in the living room, looking outside at his city. Deep in thought. Thinking about how much his life had changed yet again, in the last couple of weeks. Sara had distanced herself emotionally and physically from him shortly after they had returned from Central City. She was mostly staying in her own room, alone, too, during the nights. Oliver wasn't sure whether it was because of him telling her he loved her or him telling her he decided to keep and raise their daughter... it was probably a combination of both. He racked his fingers through his hair and dropped his head in his hands... he didn't know what to do. Didn't know how he could convince her, make her see... fuck... he didn't know what he would do without her. How he was supposed to go on after she left again, how was he supposed to raise their daughter without her. He needed her. He needed her in his life. If he was sure of one thing, it was this. Just like he knew he needed their daughter in his life.

Oliver wondered what kind of father that made him. He was willing to give up his son so that William could have a save, normal life, yet he was incapable of doing the same for his daughter. He couldn't let her go. She wasn't even born yet, but he knew that he couldn't give her up. He knew that he couldn't do it. Just the thought of giving his baby girl away, handing her over to strangers, was causing him physical pain and ripping his heart to shreds. He thought that he might finally understand how Quentin had felt all those years ago when Sara first came back home and revealed herself to her father just to leave again that very same night. He would never forget Quentin's face and the sound of his voice when he realized what Sara was going to do.

"I can't let you go. I can't let you go." It had been heart-wrenching to watch, and telling Quentin to let his younger daughter go was one of the hardest things he ever had to do. Seeing the devastation on the older man's face, watching Sara walk out of his life once more... it had hurt more than he had thought possible. All he had wanted to do in that moment, besides begging Sara to stay against his better judgment, had been to go over to Quentin and give him a hug. Let him know how much watching Sara leave was hurting him too, that he wasn't alone, that he was missing her already too, and that he wished there was another way. Yet, the only thing that he had been able to do was stand there and watch both father and daughter while Sara was breaking all of their hearts, hidden in the shadows, under his hood.

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