I get sick to my stomach every time I look at these things, I'm trapped here

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Oliver was supposed to show up at the Arrow cave today. For the first time since he's been back.

Which means that it had taken Oliver more than a week, to step into the Bunker for the first time since his return. She knew that Dig, Laurel and Thea had brought the subject of the Green Arrow up with him on several occasions. She couldn't understand why it took him this long to agree to come down here and put his suit back on.

Laurel had texted her to let her know, that Oliver planned to stop by this afternoon and she had made sure to be here. She needed to talk to him.


She knew that Laurel was stuck in court and Thea was busy with some college classes, she had decided to take after Oliver had left Star City. And Dig was taking baby Sara to her toddler class. So, she knew that they would be alone until everyone came down to suit up for the night and that wouldn't be until much later.

Felicity was understandably nervous. Sunday had not gone as expected. Not that she had expected Oliver to welcome her with open arms, but she had expected more of a reaction from him and a warmer hello. She had never thought that he would just give her the cold shoulder. Not after the way he had tried to make things up to her just a few days before he had left. She had been sure he would at least be happy to see her again. Maybe he just... he just what? Was too distracted by Sara snuggling up to him all afternoon?

Felicity realized that she was being unfair to Sara the moment she thought it. It was very obvious that Sara was not okay. Not at all. And she wasn't actually snuggling up to Oliver. She wasn't sure what she had been doing honestly. Sara and Oliver had never been known for their PDA while they had been dating. So this was strange. Something was really wrong with her and of course she would turn to Oliver given their past and he would help her.

She had been surprised when Laurel and Thea had told them that Oliver had brought Sara home with him. Surprised but happy. She had never gotten around to talk with her before she had left Star and she was looking forward to it. She had been a little taken aback by her two friends' explanation of Sara's behavior, but it did make sense given what they knew about the blood lust. So, she had been ready to stay back and not give her a hug like she usually would and expected Sara to... well not sulk in the corner but keep her distance from everyone. What had never even crossed her mind was Sara sticking to Oliver's side at all time. She did not expect for Oliver to hold his supposedly ex-girlfriend's hand, and she meant that literally, at all times.

That turn of events had completely taken her by surprise and she had to admit, that she did not like it at all.

She was reminded of the time Sara first joined Team Arrow. She had been taken by surprise then too. Not that Sara joined them, but that Oliver and Sara not only resumed their relationship but did it pretty much right away. She couldn't really grasp what was going on. Not after Oliver had spent more than a year chasing after Laurel. She had of course noticed the changes in Oliver when it came to Laurel after Tommy had died, and she and Dig had brought him back from Lian Yu, at least that's when she thought those had happened. Looking back now she realized that yes, things had sort of changed then but he only stopped showing any kind of romantic interest in Laurel after he found out that Sara was still alive.

She had been jealous of Sara then, for more than one reason. She remembers telling Dig that it hadn't been about seeing Oliver and Sara together but that hadn't been entirely true. Part of it had been because of it. She hadn't expected that. And neither had Dig. As far as they had been concerned the affair with Sara had been a stupid mistake Oliver had made. One he regretted. That didn't really mean anything to him. Because he was in love with Laurel. And the five years away just made him realize that. That was the story he had told them for more than a year. So how were they supposed to expect that?

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