You blew your chance and there's no turning back

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You blew your chance and there's no turning back, I'm sorry that you obviously don't understand, you're only the past


I want to thank everyone who supports this story and puts up with how long it takes when it comes to updating. I am truly sorry. I appreciate each and every single one of you and your support means the world to me.

I'm still not sure about this chapter but I figured it won't get any better so might as well just post it.



Sara had not at all reacted the way she had expected her to. Quite frankly, she hadn't really reacted at all. She had been all poise and straight back and business. Playing host, getting them drinks after Oliver had steered them into the dining room and showed her where to set up and told her to let him know what she needed in order to get to work as efficient as possible.

She had set up her laptop and started searching for any signs or clues as to what had happened to Joanna while verbally giving Oliver a list of everything she needed, wondering if maybe she'd better write it down for him, just to be sure nothing was missing and it would be the exact version she wanted. She looked up, expecting to see Oliver write everything down, since she wasn't, but he didn't. He just looked at her in concentration. Yes, she should've written it all down for him, for sure.

"You know what? Why don't I just text you what I need?" It would be more efficient and the chances of anything getting forgotten or mixed up were slimmer.

"In that case, send it to John and Cisco. They can get you everything, while I go look for Joanna after I brought you all up to speed. Let me know how much it costs and I'll put it on my card." Oliver's words took her by surprise for several different reasons, one was that he told her to contact Cisco too, it made sense he had helped her with her personal setup and the setup for the Bunker but also the fact that he would pay for everything. She hadn't expected that, not that it didn't make sense, he had been the one who had destroyed her workspace despite that, it was very expensive to replace everything, and it wasn't like he was working.

This made her wonder how he was affording the very spacious, and therefore probably very expensive apartment, she'd been the one who had paid for most of their stuff while they had been together, which had made sense, she'd been the one making the big bucks as CEO of Palmer Tech... a little voice in the back of her mind reminded her it used to be Queen Consolidated and Oliver's family's company. So technically, it would've been money that would've rightfully been his, anyway. She pushed that line of thought, and her involvement in him losing the company, away to focus on writing the list for Dig and getting all of her programs working, so they'd hopefully find Joanna as soon as possible.

They all knew the odds, given how long she had been missing already. She hoped the odds were wrong this time. She didn't know Joanna personally, but she knew how much she meant to Laurel, and she sounded like a really nice person. Not that her not being a nice person would change anything, they'd still look for her. It was just a conclusion she had reached, given the information she had gathered through conversations with Laurel.

It was in that moment that Sara returned with their drinks and, surprisingly, Thea, who was carrying said drinks. Where had Thea come from? She hadn't heard the doorbell, or the door, for that matter. Had she been here already before they'd shown up? She hadn't been aware Sara and Thea were hanging out, as far as she knew Sara struggled to be around Thea because of the bloodlust. Was it smart to leave those two alone with each other?

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