They feed us lies, manipulate intimidate through fear and force

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This chapter seriously kicked my butt. I struggled so much with writing it and once I got back to it and wrote a part that had been very difficult, my laptop didn't save any of it for some reason and it was all just gone, which seriously brought me to tears because I just knew trying to write that part would never amount to the version it originally was and just suck. It was very demotivating.

Then my laptop had some serious issues and didn't work properly, then I ended up with the flu once it worked again just for the program I use for proofreading no longer working for some reason and having some serious issues. So it was really, really demotivating.

The issue with the program is still not solved so, I'm sorry if this chapter is not up to my usual standard when it comes to grammar and stuff, English is not my native language and the program helps a lot. But since I don't know how long it will take to fix the issue and I really wanted to post something I decided to still go ahead, I might repost it later on once the program works again.

I just reposted the chapter after I finally got around to run the chapter to the program.

And thank you so, so, so much for all of your support, it means the world to me and I truly appreciate it.


They feed us lies, manipulate intimidate through fear and force, forcing us to sit and wait Blades out, cut the grass til we see the serpents


It was while she was in the kitchen, preparing yet another snack to temporarily satisfy the bottomless pit her stomach had turned into thanks to the tiny human growing within her, that she heard the unmistakable and very familiar sounds of her husband coming home. This changed her thoughts from contemplating whether or not to bring Felicity another snack too, not yet familiar enough with the other woman's eating habits to know the frequency in which she required food, to those of the man who just returned from his quest for information.

Ollie usually wasn't a snacker, he'd eat three to four full meals, depending on the lengths of his day, except in crisis situations, when he'd skip the meals and eat protein bars every couple of hours, if someone reminded him to eat that is. She cut some more fruit and walked to their protein bar drawer, taking a couple of them out and placing them next to the plate with fruit. Ollie hadn't eaten anything since leaving their home earlier today and, knowing him, his information gathering had probably involved a lot of physical labor. She opened the fridge, took out an energy drink and placing it next to the food. If the situation were different and it were just the two of them and time wasn't an issue, she'd heat some leftovers for him. She let her eyes stray over the food again, considering if she should add anything else to the makeshift meal while waiting for him to reach the kitchen. It was one of the first places he began to look for her after coming home; she wasn't sure what to make of it, but three times out of five it was where she was at, the other two were usually somewhere resting or the bathroom, not that he came looking for her there, he'd just wait in the kitchen for her in that case. So, yeah, it did make sense for him to check the kitchen first; she guessed.

It didn't take him long to reach her, and she naturally melted into his chest when his arms wrapped around her from behind, while she was chewing on a slice of apple, making sure her blood sugar wouldn't drop too low. His lips softly brushed the spot behind her ear before she heard him murmur a hello. She reached up with the hand not holding the food and draped her arm around his neck, drawing him nearer. This right here was home. Sara could feel some of the tension leave her body simply because of his presence and touch. It never failed.

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