My life changed, I'm a different guy, my girl stoked,

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Chapter 63

My life changed, I'm a different guy, my girl stoked, started doing things that we dreamed when we laid down, and shoutout to my sister happy I didn't die


"Dinah said you changed your mind. That you're not going to leave after the baby is born, is that true? Are you really going to stay this time? For good?" Oliver tensed up the moment the words left his sister's mouth. He couldn't believe she was seriously asking Sara this, even less the accusing and challenging tone of voice she had chosen for the questions.

Okay, to be fair, Thea wanting to know whether or not Sara was going to stay was not that surprising. Speedy had the tendency to be rather protective of him and he knew she knew how much Sara leaving the last time had hurt him, so having her wanting to make sure it wasn't going to happen again made sense but... still...

She could've at the very least used a different tone of voice.

He was counting down from fifty in his mind, trying to not follow his first impulse of defending Sara and possibly starting an argument in the process when Sara took the wind out of his sail while he was still gathering his thoughts and trying to come up with an approach that wouldn't lead to a fight with his baby sister.

"Yes. What mom told you is true. I'm not going to leave. Ollie helped me realize that the best thing I can do for our daughter is to be here, and raise her with her dad." Her words, but most of all the tone of her voice, calmed him down immediately. For one, she didn't sound hurt or offended by Thea's questions at all, and two; the look on her face, the soft smile and sparkle in her eyes when she searched out his eyes over her shoulder made his disapproval disappear just like that. Sara got it. She understood where Thea was coming from and she wasn't taking it personal. She was even appreciating his sister's concern for him, her protectiveness of him. He couldn't help but return the look she was giving him and kissing her temple was a reflex he couldn't have stopped even if he had wanted to.

Just on cue, Mila was making sure he knew she was currently awake and kicked his hand. He pulled Sara even closer, making sure both of his girls were safely enclosed in his arms and felt her burrow into him even more. God, this was what true happiness felt like.

He shifted his focus from the woman in his arms to the one across from them, studying them silently. His baby sister. And for just a moment he saw the young, twelve-year-old girl she had been when he had left on the Gambit with Sara, before focusing back to the here and now. She had grown up so much and not just physically. She had turned into a beautiful, intelligent, kind-hearted, and headstrong young woman. He smiled softly at her. His Speedy. The very first person in his life that he had loved unconditionally and more than life itself, that he would've done anything and everything for. Thea had been his entire world, his reason for surviving, his incentive to keep on fighting for so long... the most important person in his life. It was strange to realize that she was now sharing that spot for the very first time in her life. Well, that wasn't entirely true. She had theoretically already been sharing it with William for about a year. It was just the first time she was sharing it with someone who was a part of their everyday life. He wondered whether she has had that same realization yet and how she was going to react once Mila was born.

Mila, his literal sunshine.

She had dragged him out of the darkness and given him a reason to keep on fighting to reach and stay in the light. His baby girl, his reason for working on his issues, for trying to get better and standing up for what he believed in, no matter what. He wanted to get better so badly to be the father his little miracle deserved. He wanted, no, he needed to do right by his daughter. He was going to be a constant in her life, someone she could count on. He would do right by her, unlike William... his heart constricted painfully thinking about his son... William would only ever know him as an absentee father and his mother's old friend who used to spend time with him for a very short period in his young life, granted he would even remember those very precious moments at all. Those few encounters they had had and he would cherish for as long as he would live.

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