What's small turned to a friendship

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Chapter 64What's small turned to a friendship, a friendship turned to a bond, brotherhood come first how could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?


The reason behind Sara's phone call had been unexpected. Having the Canary herself ask him to stay with her while Oliver was gone spoke volumes. Whatever was going on in Star was bad. And neither Queen was willing to take any chances when it came to their unborn daughter's life. Yep, that was going to be one lucky little girl, growing up with parents that loved her more than anything in the world.

The thought suddenly made him wonder... Star City 2046 had been a disaster, Oliver had been a broken shell of a man... but there had been no mention of Sara. They had talked about Dig and Felicity. He wondered what Oliver's future would look like now, not that he was going to find out. Nothing good would come from it. He was reminded of Rip's words, and grateful his captain had been right.

"This future is only a potential timeline."

"So this... this version of Star City... this doesn't have to happen?"

"Correct. The future is always in flux."

"Hopefully, this will never come to pass."

He wondered what had changed. Was it also because of Barry's travels to the past? Were the changes part of flash point, or simply a choice Oliver had made? He wasn't sure if it mattered or not. He tended to go with not, not if it meant Oliver's future would no longer be that bleak, and lonely. And he seriously doubted it. He had Sara now and their beloved baby girl. They loved her enough to ask for help. Something neither Oliver nor Sara were particularly good at. Something neither of them liked to do.

I had surprised him when he had learnt that Sara had removed herself from any potentially dangerous situation the moment she had found out about her pregnancy, even though she hadn't planned on keeping the baby at that point in time. She had still valued the life growing inside of her enough to ensure its survival and safety at all costs.

But it fit. It was such a Sara thing to do. Sara stood up for those without a voice. She fought for those who couldn't fight for themselves. The Canary had pointed out the plights of the weakest within society. She had made it a point to get justice for women who were wronged and couldn't fight back when she had first come to Star. She had saved a child from a burning building. The Canary had been a symbol of hope and recognition for the forgotten ones, the ones who couldn't get up and fight themselves. She had been a symbol of hope for the people living in the Glades.

So, Sara valuing her unborn child's life this highly made perfect sense.

He had the utmost respect for her for that choice. Even more so knowing how difficult it must have been and probably still was for her. Sara was a "right in the middle of any trouble" kind of woman. Standing on the sidelines was probably very, very hard for her. And yet, she wasn't complaining. Wasn't doing anything stupid. No, she was actually picking up the phone and asking for help, to make sure nothing was going to happen to her baby girl. That was actual strength. It was one reason he admired her and had for years. The Canary never shied away from making the tough decisions. Sara had such an unbelievable inner strength it was inspiring, and a little intimidating, to be honest.

He finished up what he needed to, gave Gideon instructions to contact him before the team got in too much trouble, not that he didn't trust Jax and Amaya or doubted that they could keep the rest in check... he was simply doing it because he knew how their missions usually went, and that was not according to plan at all and way out of hand way too fast most of the time, chaotic was also a good word to use to describe the missions.

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