I get distant when I'm afraid, and I push you away always depressed

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I'm really sorry for the long wait.

Here's another Thanksgiving chapter, sort of


Chapter 35

I get distant when I'm afraid, and I push you away always depressed, tryna find a better version of me making it difficult to open up and connect


"Come in." This was not what he had expected when he rung the doorbell. He was almost certain that this was the first time since moving into the apartment that Oliver had not come to the door to let his guests in. But he decided to do what the voice of his daughter's roommate asked him to, opened the front door and stepped into the apartment. He followed the noise after taking off his jacket, all the while wondering what might have kept Oliver from coming to the door. He got his answer when he reached the door to the kitchen. Oliver was standing by the stove which currently had four pots on it, while Sara sat at the counter across from him, facing the tall man while stirring something in the bowl she was holding.

"Ollie, can you try this? I'm not sure. I feel like it's missing something... but I don't trust my taste buds so I'm not sure... what do you think?" he saw his baby hold out the spoon to Oliver who leaned slightly over the counter and let her feed the contents of the spoon to him.

"No, it tastes good, you could maybe add some more spices... but otherwise it's perfect." The man replied without hesitation.

"Okay, more turmeric? Or cardamom?" Sara was looking at the jars of spices on the counter next to her, contemplating.

"Yeah, both. And maybe some more ginger? Just to give it a little more zing or you could use some pepper or chili for that, depending on how much ginger you've already used. Not that you won't be able to eat your own pie." Oliver was cutting vegetables while sharing his thoughts.

"How about some saffron? I mean obviously not for the zing, but you know, I feel like it's still missing something, even if I add more turmeric, cardamom and ginger. Could it be saffron?" Oliver looked up from his vegetables the moment Sara mentioned saffron, and Quentin wasn't sure how to describe the look on the other man's face.

"That is genius, Pretty Bird. Yeah, saffron would work and make it even more special and memorable. Good thinking. If it's safe for you to take. Want me to look it up?" He smiled and winked at her before growing more serious.

"No, it's okay. It should be safe in the small dosages that are used in food." His daughter ensured her partner... maybe?

Pretty Bird.

It had been a while since he had last heard Oliver call his daughter that. They looked so domestic while cooking together. Which was a contrast to the last couple of weeks when Sara seemed to have kept Oliver at arm's length and some distance between them, physically but also emotionally. Now, they reminded him of a married couple again. It made him wonder... he was the first person who had arrived. And it was just him and them at the moment. Was this how they always behaved when no one was around? Was this normal? Or was it an exception? Or a recent development in their relationship?

Had it anything to do with Oliver's decision to keep the baby? No, he had made that choice over a month ago and Sara had still distanced herself from him. There were still moments when he couldn't believe it. Moments he was almost afraid to believe it.

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