These battle scars ain't ever going to change

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First of all thank you so much to everyone who is reading this story and for everyone who leaves kudos.
And a huge thank you to everyone who takes the time to comment, it means everything to me and seriously makes my days. I love knowing what you guys think about it and appreciate the time every single one of you takes to comment.

Here's another Thanksgiving chapter.


Chapter 36

These battle scars ain't ever going to change the only thing that comes is the enemy within the post-traumatic stresses it never be over


Alex hadn't been sure about this. Spending Thanksgiving on another earth with strangers didn't sound like a lot of fun but Kara had been very insistent, and she had to admit that she was intrigued about this other earth and the people her sister had told her so much about and was looking forward to finally meet them and put faces to the names.

Meeting Barry and his friends was just as expected. Team Flash, as they referred to themselves were all very open and friendly people, which came with no surprise to her, they were Barry's friends and he was the male version of her sister, for once and Kara had only told her good things about them.

What had surprised her and given the look on Kara's face her sister too, was when Barry told them that there was a slight change of plans and Team Arrow would celebrate with them, including a handful of civilians who didn't know about everyone's alter egos and that they would not have Thanksgiving in Central City but in Star City. At Oliver's place.

That had been a very unexpected turn of events, given everything she had learnt about Team Arrow's leader from her sister. Not that it was an unwelcome one. She had actually wanted to meet Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, the guy who had the guts to bench her sister during an alien invasion that had threatened the entire world. She really wanted to give him a piece of her mind. It wasn't hard for her to picture the type of man she was sure he was. She was a woman working as an agent in a secret government organization. She had been confronted with bigoted alpha males who had issues with powerful women, the entirety of her career. The "Green Arrow" seemed to fit that bill to a T. It made her wonder about the friendship between Barry and Oliver, Kara had told her about. Barry was such a sweetheart, and Oliver seemed to be your typical alpha male with a superiority complex. It made her worry about Barry and she hoped he wasn't trying to be more like his friend and, according to her sister, mentor. Kara had mentioned that there were circumstances that had probably played a part in why Oliver had treated her the way he had, but her sister was too nice sometimes and always tried to make excuses for people's behaviors.

Getting to Star City was no problem with Cisco's powers, he just "vibed" them there.

"Oh, it's no big deal, I do it for Caitlin regularly, makes it easier for her to do freaking Canary's checkups." The young man explained, yet it didn't help her understand what he was talking about. Checkups? Canary?

They ended up on what appeared to be the top floor of an apartment building. Penthouse? Really? Oliver Queen seemed to turn out to be a walking cliché. All that seemed to be missing was a hot, young blonde bimbo opening the door after Barry knocked.

Well, that was the first assumption she had about Oliver that turned out to be wrong. A very pretty, young brunette who turned out to be his baby sister opened the door.

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