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"Good work today, René"

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"Good work today, René"

"That last one was torture! My tongue will never recover."

We finally finished the show, it's still pretty early just 6:30 pm. Seth dropped me off at home but then I thought I should buy myself an Ice cream. It was gonna be a long walk but it's fine. I have my pepper spray with me and I'm a runner and a trackstar~ hihi

Plus I walk relatively fast.


I picked up my phone and it was Arc that was calling.

"Aera, what do I do???" He brooded

"Why what's wrong?"

"I've never felt so stupid in my life.."

"I mean you've always have been but anyways.."

"... Thanks a lot, but I think I like...Lorelei"

"Wow, what a shocker" I deadpanned.

"Seriously, Aera..I think I have feelings for her."

"I would have walked all the way from Timbuktu and back here and it would still be shorter than the time it took you to realize that but yeah, just so you know you've always liked her you just didn't notice."

"Wow am I that-"

"Dense? yeah, yeah you are."

"Can we hang out together next week?"

"Sure I have time."

"Thanks, call you later."


With that my conversation with him ended. I have walked for a while now. 20 minutes I think, after 15 more minutes I finally reached the 7 eleven. It was in town, but how come this place looks so deserted.

Usually, at this time, there would be a lot of people around here. I bought my Bubble gum Ice cream and asked the guy at the counter why there weren't any people outside. He said there was a big event being held somewhere near here.

I thanked him and began walking. I could call my driver to go back but I wanted to walk around town for now. The cold air that brushed past me felt refreshing. No paparazzi around me was great too. The few trees swaying through the wind.

Ah so relaxing~

*step* *step* *step*

Hm? I looked through the glass wall of the store and there was a man wearing a cap and a hoodie walking behind me. I walked slower so he could walk past me but when I did that he walked slower too.

Maybe it's just a coincidence. I took a sharp right turn and walked slightly faster. I didn't turn my head but I glanced back if he was there and he was. I tried two more turns and was back from where I was earlier, basically, I walked in circles, and guess what..he's still there.

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