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-Third Person's POV-

" Please stay calm as we have everything under control. Do please wear the life vests given by the crew members but we have everything under control." The cruise director told everyone with a smile on his face.

" We just lost power and they expect us to remain calm? As if the whole ride wasn't stressful enough." One of the students whispered to their friend as they took one of the life vests.

"We are just one day away from reaching Norway, and then this happens."

"This is like every other movie scene where the crew members tell us to remain calm when they themselves are panicking on the inside. Who knows if they'll just abandon us without us knowing." Another rolled their eyes.

"It's quite scary, it's almost 9:30 pm and it's already sunset. The waves might pick up and we'd have no power..." 

" Good afternoon, Ladies~" Meredith greeted them in a sing-song voice.

"So, who the fuck are you, Miss ugly ass?" Charm bit as she glared at her.

"Ooh~ feisty aren't we? I'll let it pass since this is the last time we'd ever see each other." She said and rolled her eyes. She glanced at the whole room and she was drawn to the specific woman that made her begin the plan in the first place.

"If it isn't the one and only Miss Aera Whitfield? The soulmates of those bratty, self-important, rich, spoiled, idiots. " Her words filled with distaste.

" Y-You..you're Meredith..aren't you?" She started breathing heavily. Her eyes shook slightly from the anger building inside her.

The reason for their trauma

The person behind their pain

The person who started it all.

" What made you think I am her? Pfft- who am I kidding? Of course, I am Meredith~ Though I do go by the name Kendra nowadays but, who cares? " She laughed.

" You know her??" Charm questioned Aera, in shock.

"Yeah I know her, she is the reason why I was rejected in the first place." Not wanting to disclose the whole story, she said what Charms would understand from what she had previously told her.

"What do you want from the rest of us? If you have business with this student, then why bring all of us with your drama????" Samantha gritted.

"I want my last performance to be grand. What better way to end it all than with a bang with the soulmate of the people I hate the most and a whole bunch of immature and spoiled people? " She laughed even harder.

"Wait..are you planning to commit suicide by killing us all with you?!

"Indeed I am, Miss Supermodel. It sure would be lonely to die by myself. Wouldn't you agree, Miss Aera?" She patted Aera's cheek harshly and giggled.

Aera remained silent, she stared directly at Meredith's eyes, studying her.

"Those brats are quite lucky, aren't they? You are quite a beauty..but beauty only lasts when you're young..and alive. In the end, we'll all be a pile of bones or in our case, ashes. And don't get me wrong, it's not like I hate you..I despise you. It's funny since we don't even know each other.

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