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"I'm sorry my love" She whisperd softly caressing her lover's face "till death-"

"Do us part" her lover finished for her stabbing her directly in the heart he could hear her sharp intake of breath before blood gushed out the wound. Spilling warm liquid down his hand dripping onto the grass and dribbling down his arm.

Selah bowed down to the quick unconscious letting it overtake her as she fell forward. Landing on William's stomach William wrapped his arm around Selah before placing a quick kiss on top of her forehead. Choosing to ignore the tears sliding down his face and the stab wound he had gained from this. It was better that way.

The fire slowly drew forward towards them both he could feel it. The contrast between the hot flames and Selah's slowly cooling body left his senses confused.

William's vision slowly began to fade as his breath shorted.

And even through ashes and smoke destruction and war they loved each other till the end of their time.

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