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Silas pushed on the water tab of the faucet reaching for the soapbox next to it. The lights flickered overhead Silas looked up the lights flicked again before going out completely.

'That's weird' he thought and wiped his hands on his shorts before leaving the bathroom. Silas opened the bathroom door and looked around people in all black clothing and masks by the PE classrooms stood with black duffle bags on the floor.

Silas breathed in before running toward one of the assets classrooms. 'Please be open please be open' Silas pulled on the handle and swung the door open. The classroom was empty in the corner was the toy closet. Only god knows where he got the idea to do what he did but who could blame him.

Silas pulled the toys from the closet and stuffed them on the shelves before locking himself in the closet. Silas laid his head against the cold of the wall his chest heaved trying to catch his breath.

This was one of the many things he didn't think would happen.

Tears brimmed at his eyes and he swallowed down the lump in his throat. He wanted his dad he just wanted to be home safe in his bed. Silas laid his head on his knees after curling them into himself. Footsteps and talking right outside the classroom there was a loud banging on the classroom door it echoed in the empty room. It was repeated before the door swung open Silas held his breath. 'Don't check the closet' he prayed in his head laughing continued through the classroom before it faded as did their footsteps.

Silas slowly opened the door to the closet practically on his tiptoes leaning out of the open door. It seems they had retreated back to the PE classrooms and the circle of black duffle bags.

Silas ran down the hall as fast as he could sometimes he wished he would have done track. He swung the door open it was mostly empty besides a few teacher's aids.

Each sat at a table and looked up when the door had been brutally swung open. Silas panted he was running on pure adrenaline "People are here with guns there here to kill us" he said

Miss Johnson was the first to stand up "That's not a good joke Silas" she said a gunshot echoed in the halls bouncing off the classrooms making their ears ring.

Miss Johnson looked to the other teacher's aids their faces dropped in unison as they let the realization sink in.

"The other teachers come on," Miss Johnson said Silas was the first one outdoor running for Mr. Mitchell's classroom. Silas pushed down on the doorknob a few times trying to pull it open.

"It's locked"

"Let's check Mrs. Jesse" it's was miss Anna her voice timid she was paranoid looking back and forth but they all were

"I'll go check Mrs. Bailey go check Mrs. Jesse" Silas ran down the hallway turning the corner and making his way down the other corner to Mrs. Bailey's classroom.

Silas slowed down to a walk to catch his breath reaching for the door handle. He prepared himself to see something gruesome on the inside of the classroom he wouldn't doubt it the classroom was closest to the fields.

Silas felt himself being grabbed and pulled away from the classroom. He wanted to scream but the hand over his mouth prevented him from doing so. Silas struggled in the person's hold kicking and trying to pry their hands away. He wasn't dragged long before he was thrown into one of the staff bathrooms back hitting the wall. His heart rang in his ears he was going to die with a gun pointed to his head.

"Please don't kill me" it was barely a whisper he knew the end result no matter what but there was hope

"Shut up your going to get us caught," The person in the mask said their voice muffled but they looked around

"Sy I need you to close your eyes" he knew that voice it was Theseus he quickly shut his eyes. He could hear footsteps along the dirt and concrete there was a yell before someone landed right on the wall next to him. Before the sound of a gun firing and a ringing in his ears.

Silas opened his eyes right next to him was a dead body. The metallic smell of blood was strong almost making him puke. The wall behind him was caked in blood one straight bullet to the head. He looked up toward Theseus she was looking back and forth down the hall her body was blocking most of the door shielding him. 

"Sy hurry the fuck up and put on the suit you're going to get us caught," Theseus said Silas nodded quickly pulling the guy's arms out of the black hoodie. He looked up to Theseus and pulled on the blood-stained suit she held no remorse in her actions she didn't even hesitate. He made a note not to make her mad with a gun in her hand how else did she get the suit in the first place.

Silas stood up Theseus took the mask from the floor and tied it to the back of his head. Silas put the hood over his head like Theseus did the sleek black mask slightly ruined his line of sight.

"Come on let's go" Theseus turns around to walk away right into the open fields containing the black duffle bags

"Where" Silas sped walked to keep up looking behind him digging his nails into the flesh in his palm.

"Mr pe teacher" They cautiously walked across the open fields to the PE classroom stopping by the black duffle bag.

Theseus unzipped the bags guns and ammo lay perfectly in the duffle bags she reached in and grabbed a clip of ammo for the pistol she currently had.

Silas was getting anxious standing in the middle of the field silently begging Theseus to hurry up in her head. Theseus stood up and walked to the classroom tugging the classroom door open.

"Mr.S Mr.S it's me light" Silas called into the seemingly empty classroom. Silas looked back to Theseus who stood by the door she shrugged before turning to look back outside the door.

"Is that really you Light?" The carbonate door opens and out comes Mr.S Silas pulls off his mask and nods.

"Is your car around here Mr.S?" Silas asked he had a semi-plan that was more impulsive thinking than anything else.

"Right in front of the portables" He replied reaching into his pocket for the keys to open the gate.

"Theseus is it safe?" Theseus leaned out the door and nodded

"Yeah come on" Theseus walked out and down the portables ramp the two soon followed. Silas tied the mask back onto his head and lifted the hood over it.

They went around to the left gate Mr.S unlocked it and pushed it open. They all looked at each other before running for the car. The car wasn't that far away Silas looked at Theseus it was obvious in her body language was tired

The familiar sound of a gunshot rang in their ears Silas let out a huff and scream of agony falling to the floor. The blood-soaked his back and through the fabric of the hoodie.

Theseus bent down and pulled Silas to her looking up to Mr.S who looked as if he was about to cry.

"Silas" Theseus moved Silas into a sitting position her moves were aggressive as much as her voice

"Theseus we have to go" Silas's vision was fading slipping in and out from black and white.

Another gunshot and Theseus felt a direct tug on her arm she stood up and ran with Mr.S.

She didn't look back as she ran each step motivated by adrenaline and tears that brimmed in her eyes.

Her best friend died in her arms she felt as his pulse slowed and he let out his last breath.

The moon was in peace once and for all

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