My twitch

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Stephanie slammed the car door open Theseus stood on the other side of the gas station parking lot as her mom pumped gas into their car.

"Theseus!" Stephanie yelled Theseus turned around dropping her snacks onto the car trunk as she ran towards the other.

"Steph," Theseus said as she embraced the other in a hug.

"You're actually leaving me" Steph cried onto Theseus's shoulder. Tears welled up in Theseus's eyes and the hug became tighter.

The sky became a dark grey murky color even though it was midday. It was obvious it was about to rain as if the rain that sprinkled down on them didn't say it enough. Inside Steph cursed the rain she felt as if the sky was mocking them. The sky went from beautiful and clear to murky and grey just as her mood when she got the news.

In all honesty, Steph thought she wasn't going to make it. Thinking her dad wouldn't be there in time nor would he take her.

"Yeah, ill miss you my moon" Theseus turned back towards her mom when she heard the door close.

"Bye Sun" Steph wiped tears from her eyes turning to walk back to her car. She got into the passenger seat and closed the door watching as the black car pulled out of the gas station parking lot.

Time skip

    November 20th

Sent 8:05 pm

Sent 8:31

Whatcha doin
Sent 8:32

Math homework😀
Sent 8:40
Read 8:51

    November 28th

Sent 4:51

Dude my friends Clementine and Ash went to the park today and Ash fell off the slide
Sent 4:53

Sorry I was doing homework what's up
Sent 5:36
Read 6:00

December 1st

Steph guess wah me and my friends went to an amusement park and we went on the one that goes upside down.
Sent 6:08
Read 8:09

Soon the messages stop coming and her number became a lost contact.

Time skip

Steph laid on her bed she was tired. It was her fourth year in medical college and it was getting stressful. Stephanie's phone buzzed as she saw the notification pop up.

Leviathan_ is live!

Stephanie smiled and clicked on the notification. Steph's watched some of her lives before. Every day it seemed her viewer count grew. The start-up screen popped up before disappearing with Leviathan in the middle of the screen.

"What's up ya'll and today we're gonna test out a new overwatch healer mod," Theseus said as Overwatch loaded up reading the chat in the meantime.

"Okay so now we're just gonna go into a custom game mode and after we go into character selection let's just pick mercy" Theseus explained.

Even if Steph never understood what she was saying most of the time she loved to hear her ramble about it. It was a comfort to her. Theseus's voice wasn't exactly calming as she didn't have an indoor voice but the familiarity of the voice was soothing. She heard a laugh come from her screen and she smiled.

"Oh okay, you know what fuck this" Theseus huffed reaching out of the frame and pulling out a water bottle. It was known as her comfort water bottle. Theseus took a swig and put the bottle back down before continuing to play.

"My dear sun you've grown so much" Stephanie whispered

She wasn't wrong of course. Theseus was no longer her sun but someone she watched from the other side of the screen. She got to watch as her style changed and her friends.

Steph remembered the first time she realized exactly who Leviathan was. Memories rushed to her head and a euphoric feeling arose in her.

Sometimes she felt pain as she watched Theseus interact with her other friends but there was happiness there too. Sometimes she would stare at Theseus's profile on Instagram or Twitter wanting to text her but never got the courage to.

Her fear of rejection and Theseus not remembering who she was surrounded her like walls that trapped her and the walls would get closer and closer.

So she was happy to watch her from the other side of the screen.

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