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Silas held the Xbox box in hand. Silas hated expecting the gift especially knowing the back story to go with it. It was two months after Theseus's passing and her parents felt like it was a good idea to pass down her Xbox and Nintendo and the games to go with it. All to Silas and now here he stood with all the boxes and cases in his hand.

God Silas shouldn't be holding these things. Theseus should be alive. Theseus should be the one to play on the Xbox or the Nintendo not him.  He doesn't even know much about Xbox or Nintendo only what he's heard from Theseus. His siblings had a PS4 so he was sure they would be no help.

Silas held memories in his hand not only just for him but for Theseus. The countless voice messages he would get when she played video games with the smashing of the buttons in the background. The number of times he heard the controller hit the wall and her angry sigh soon after.

"Oh, uhm thank you" Silas had finally spoken after looking at the boxes for too long.

"Your welcome she would want you to have them," Theseus's mom said even if she smiled and her face held remorse he was still scared of her. He doesn't even know if that was true or not would Theseus really want him to have these?

"Yeah your right" Silas's hands started to shake and Theseus's mom just nodded.

"Also Silas...thank you for being with my daughter all these years she really cared for you much more than any other person I've seen her with" Tears formed in her mom's eyes as she spoke but he could tell she was holding them back. That's where William saw Theseus in her mom it might not have been in her looks but personality. The urge to hold everything back because you don't want to show how you feel in public was common in all three of them.

"Your welcome Mrs" Her mom nodded and walked back to her car. So now he stood alone items in hand he walked back into his house. His siblings stayed in their own rooms not bothering to come and bug him. He was aggressive like a ticking bomb ready to explode anytime something pissed him off.

Silas set down the Xbox and Nintendo. He didn't know what to do with it his mind raced with thoughts that made his eyes watery.

"No theseus wouldn't want that she would make fun of you" Silas huffed and opened the Xbox box.

Silas leaned back on his legs. He couldn't do this he ran his hand through his hair like he did when he's stressed. He could smell the scent of old fire smoke from the Xbox just like he could from her mother. A tail sign she had spent most of her day in Theseus's room.

He set the Xbox on the stand where his Tv was held on. Silas pulled out the two neatly packed HDMI wires and connected the AC power cable into the Xbox then to the wall. He took the last HDMI and connected it to the HDMI 3 on the Xbox then the tv. The familiar ring went off when he pushed on the power button to the Xbox. He heard that enough times from Theseus's voice messages to know that was a good sign.

The kick start screen loaded he cringed when he realized how loud his TV was. He turned it down and looked back to the TV the green that had appeared earlier had steeped into the 3d model of the Xbox logo.

Silas waited till that faded and it showed the regular Xbox screen. He could see the games Theseus played in order on the screen. Of course, overwatch was in the first place then came Minecraft and a game he's never heard of Theseus play.

Silas reached into the box and grabbed the controller. On the controller, itself was a bunch of doodles in pencil and paint just like how she would doodle on her own skin.

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