Run boy run

12 0 0

"Theseus are you crazy!" A voice screamed echoing off the walls traveling down the school hall.

There was no response what did Silas expect he sighed as much as he wanted to run down that hall he would be cornered. He knew Theseus could handle herself but it was still nerve-wracking. He picked up his bag and ducked into the classroom behind him his bag full of medical supplies and food.

He was cautious of what was behind him he had a gun strapped to his right thigh that was his emergency gun it was only a simple rifle but they never planned to be out that long that it was needed. He looked all through the classroom tightening his grip on the gun. The room was still which made the gut-wrenching feeling he had worse. 

The apocalypse was never still, never quiet, never a moment of peace. Silas slid down the door and slammed his head on the door dropping the bag next to him. He hadn't seen Theseus in a while sure he had heard her like the stomping and groaning of zombies outside the door.

He could feel his eyes drooping he was so tired from running and running fighting to stay alive. Every movement you made your life depended on it. He knew Theseus was tired he could see it in her eyes.

They had found a Truck that was enough in Theseus's eyes but Silas felt like he had a higher chance of dying when he was in that Truck rather than in an apocalypse. If he could wear another seat belt he would. To make matters worse she named the truck Darling and since Silas didn't own it he didn't have a say in the name she chose.

Theseus figured out pretty quickly that as long as the zombies couldn't see you they wouldn't attack. So she took sun blockers (that she stole) and every time they needed to sleep she would cover every window.  

They were both still on high alert though there's no telling what would happen at any given moment. Or hell it could even be another person everyone's true colors showed during the apocalypse. Even his own he had aimed a gun at multiple people's heads. It's something he never thought he would do he said he would mostly as a joke but pointing a gun at someone's head with the intent to pull the trigger was different.

It was a nerve-wracking feeling that shook you for hours afterward. The first time he had to do it Theseus told him to pull the trigger. It's not that he didn't want to it's more like he hesitated he still did it after he shut his eyes and turned his head.

He's watched Theseus do it before many times he didn't consider her a monster for it. He couldn't stand the bodies hitting the floor or how after it was done Theseus would show him a big smile.

Footsteps echoed through the halls but those weren't zombie footsteps they were quieter. There was also a slight murmur of a voice Silas pulled himself up to the window of the door.

Red curly hair that was down and a black leather jacket with a barbed wire bat sat on their shoulder. Silas squinted his eyes before they widened Theseus she was out in the open and from the looks of it, she had her headphones in and probably whatever rock music she had on. Meaning she couldn't hear anything no zombies creeping up or footsteps.

Silas opened the door opened making a loud banging noise that echoed in the halls. Theseus looked up and stood frozen like a deer in headlights her grip tightened on the bat like she was ready to swing.

"Oh hey, Silas" The grip on the bat loosened and her back unhunched she pulled out her phone from her jacket pocket and clicked pause pulling the headphones from her ears and putting them back in the case.

Silas waited for her to finish so he could yell at her properly he also looked around before he started to yell if they attracted a zombie it could come at them from three ways.

crack chaptersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora