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"How has seven months of marriage been treating you?" Lucas hummed, slowly unbuttoning the creme-colored buttons of his white shirt, he was facing the fireplace with his back to William.

William turned to him from where he lay on their bed. "Normal I guess" He sighed "I don't know, I feel normal but also weird."

William pulled the thick blanket closer to his body, the fireplace was doing a mediocre job of warming up the big room. He never questioned why Lucas had a regular room instead of a servant's quarters, maybe it just never crossed his mind.

"Why do you feel weird?" Lucas asked and slipped on a dark shirt; William huddled closer into the blankets. He couldn't explain why exactly he felt weird, it was like his tongue tied together every time he tried to explain it to someone else other than himself.

"It's like remembering oh I'm stuck with her for life, I'm doomed to die married to someone I don't love" William sighed unclutching the blankets from his chest.

Lucas sighed as well. "Well, there is nothing that can be done" He walked over to the bed and laid down next to William. The two logs' Lucas had placed in the fireplace earlier crackled and smoked.

Lucas laid closer to the door while William's back faced the windows when he turned over to be face to face with Lucas. William quickly burrowed his head into the crease of Lucas's neck, something that had begun to be a comfort to him lately.

"It's so unfair you and Theseus push out heat so quickly" William grumbled, he felt himself be pulled in by the waist until he was almost overheating by the warmth from Luca's skin. Lucas's arms wrapped around William's waist while his head laid on the soft pillow.

"I think you just can't handle a little cold weather" Lucas chuckled.

William rolled his eyes "there is no 'little' cold weather here, it's either I'm freezing my ass off or I'm not, there's no in between"

"Go to sleep Viaxen" Lucas pulled the blanket over them.

"Will you ever tell me what that means" William groans letting the need to sleep lay heavily on his body.


"Of course you won't"

Lucas laughed, William never thought he could be so in love with a sound before he met Lucas. The way it rumbled in his chest and left a nice ring in your ears, it was contagious.

William smiled and rolled his eyes before they became too heavy to keep open.


William was expecting a cold bed when he woke up, it's a routine they both had developed. William falls asleep first and then Lucas, then when William wakes up in the morning Lucas is gone and the bed is only slightly warm.

William made a grumbling noise, the bed felt oddly warm like the sun god had come down and answered his prayers and made him a permanent heated bed.

"Good Morning Viaxen" Lucas said, putting his hand along Williams back, William hummed and leaned into the touch.

"Why are you still here?" He mumbled, moving slightly closer to the portable heater known as his boyfriend.

"Theseus let me have today off" Lucas moved his hand off of Williams back who whined, "We should go out today"

"Where?" William groaned stuffing his face into the pillow to avoid the harsh sunlight outside, that was a first, Theseus letting Lucas have the day off? weird.

"Anywhere, like maybe the spring fields or the cave" Lucas named off places one by one, William had never been to the caves before, but he had been to the spring fields once.

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