To watch the world burn

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"Your Highness their here now, down in the courtyard, The boy is waiting for you." A young maid spoke with an anxious voice. Theseus sighed 'The boy' was someone she dreaded meeting, she knew that she wouldn't like him, and she would make sure he knew that.

This meetup was one of the most nerve-racking things that left everyone drained and stumbling over their feet. A unity of two kingdoms coming together. Something that hadn't happened in over 100 years. It was an unusual arrangement, to have a kingdom not taken by war.

Epria and Acceptance, formally known as Keradon were now coming together as one. Just the thought made Theseus not want to move from the spot at her vanity.

She stared at herself in the mirror. Skin pale, the latest trend going around, not a single strand of hair out of place minus the two that came out and wrapped around the edges of her face. Emeralds and Gold adorned her neck and wrists, her red hair held up in a bun with a pink and gold flower hair clip that held her hair together.

It was a gift. From William, Keradon's eldest son. It was probably a piece offering so that he could charm her and sweep her off her feet. That was not happening. Keradon, no Acceptance, such a stupid name for a kingdom.

They were considered a weaker Kingdom by far. Their army wasn't great the whole Kingdom was focused on peace and equality. Everyone ran there to get away from their problems when things got too bad. That's probably the only reason they lasted so long.

That's why she had to do this, she had to deal with the council and sit through endless meetings. Epira was the main cause of half of the wars that went around, Theseus wouldn't deny it, she couldn't deny it.

Acceptance was like a dime compared to Epira, border lines that stretched for miles upon miles. It wasn't to say that Acceptance didn't have anything to offer, the soil produced half of the Kingdom's produce with its rich soils and many rivers. From Theseus's knowledge, there were at least two beaches there.

Theseus stood up from her vanity chair, hearing it screech as it scrapped along the marble floor. She stood up with practiced poise ignoring the weight of the dress on her chest and the itchy fabric around her waist. She pushed in the chair wincing at the horrible noises it made.

The dress was custom-made for her, just this very event. It was probably the biggest moment in her life right now, which meant big poofy dresses and weighted jewelry. The dress was simple yet complex just how she liked it. A dark green color and flowers stitched in along the trim and outlining the corset of her dress. The necklace around her neck, a simple design of three emeralds on a gold chain hung around her neck loosely yet felt too tight anyways.

Theseus stepped out of her room, the maid quickly following behind her to close her bedroom door and open any other entry. Her heels made loud clacking sounds as the noise bounced off the walls, she could hear people talking and laughing down the hall behind another door.

The maid turned to look at her and Theseus stopped. The maid wasn't allowed past this point without explicit permission from someone in the royal bloodline. Theseus nodded her head once at the maid who nodded back quickly opening the doors and stepping out of sight.

She could feel everyone's eyes on her as she walked through the doors that were quickly shut behind her. Her father stood talking to an unrecognizable man who Theseus concluded was Elyas the king of Acceptance. He had a bushy beard, and his posture was slightly crooked yet upright. He radiated confidence as he chuckled lightly along with her dad.

The boy behind him was the exact opposite of his father. He used his father as a shield standing behind him, His head was down, and his breaths came out in uneven pants. His chest rises and falls faster than it should.

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