Go ahead

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Theseus pulled the sword from Nicholas's heart, ignoring the noises his body was making. She pulled harder feeling the skin trying to latch onto the blade. She grimaced, and another explosion went off in the distance. 

King Nicholas of Crimson, why he had started this war she had no idea. They were on fair terms and neutral trading systems. The castle shook things falling onto the floor and breaking, scattering broken shards along the floors. 

The things that were bolted to the wall stood sturdy while things not attached to the wall collapsed onto the floor. She only made sure important things were bolted down to the wall such as paintings and bookshelves, her father much to her dismay was the one to suggest it after an attack from Mora.  

Theseus leaned upon the white stone rails. Her home, her city was collapsing, and she was letting it happen. Younger her would never let this happen, bright-eyed twelve-year-old her would think of older her as a monster.

A selfish no for no-for-good monster, someone unreliable and doing everything she had promised herself not to do. Not to be like her father, not to let Epira subsume to its nickname.  She didn't miss those days when she was full of childlike wonder and curiosity for the world. 

She hated it, she was naive then. Sometimes when she looked at William that's all she saw. Naiveness and bright eyes, and freckles scattered along his skin like God placed them there himself. It made her grit her teeth, she never wanted to look him in the eyes in fear of seeing someone she could have been. 

He never questioned anything and always saw the best in everyone. 


Epria ripped that away from you. In this hellhole, you could not be naive, or it could cost you your life. He should have gone and married Annabell instead, Mora was so much safer for a person like him. Theseus didn't understand why she had to be wed, or why she was wed to someone so different from her. Keradon was so full of life, there was nothing to fear there, and you weren't constantly on your toes worrying about surviving. 

Epria you had to constantly be looking over your shoulder, you were never safe no matter who you were. 

Theseus wanted to cuss, scream, and cry at him. Why did things always work out for him? Why was life so unfair to her? The rain started to piddle against her skin, she looked up into the sky dark clouds started to form in the sky, rain trickling down onto the ongoing fire below. 

Theseus nose wrinkled. The smell of fresh rain and smoke created a stuffy smell. She stared down at the now calming fire, a fresh gust of wind blew in making her shiver. The sound of steps walking in her direction was quiet against her rumbling mind.  

The garden door opened, and William stepped out. "Theseus?" She didn't turn around her eyes were still fixed on the burning city below her. 

"Hm?" She hummed. William stepped closer to her, she could feel how hesitant he was, how ready he was to bolt at any moment. 

"So, you're letting it burn." He stated standing right next to her behind the stone rails. "Even if this might take years to rebuild?" 

She ran her gaze over him, his hands were twitching, and his lip was bitten raw. He was so nervous and for what? He had a plan and Theseus didn't want to know. The rain had started to soak into his sleep shirt and his hair was starting to plaster to his forehead.

"It won't take that long" She stood up straight her eyes darting to William's hand as he moved them to his side. He was scared. "A few months at most, the emergency silos will be opened." She explained watching the confusion fall over his face. 

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