my fire

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William was bored Theseus had stayed cooped up in her office all day and had not come out once. But William also had not gone to bother her once this day. William climbed out of bed and made his way down the hall to Theseus's office. 

"Theseussss" William whined bursting into the office no surprise that Theseus was at her even messier desk

"Yes?" William stood at the office door this was going to be a challenge usually given any chance Theseus would slack off.

"Do you want to come do something with me?" William asked hopefully

"No sorry I have to finish this" Theseus shut down his offer and from what William could see she was writing a paper.

"What is it?"

"Speech for the festival later," Theseus said and William lit up he likes festivals.


"Yes we have one every year as due to Eprian culture" Theseus looked up from the speech she was writing

"Like big party festival-type?"

"Yes" Theseus nodded

"What's the occasion?" Now William was excited they usually have festivals back in Acceptance but there was always a reason behind them.

"The founding of Epria and the death of our greatest king this festival lasts three days" Theseus explained

"Why that long it seems like so much work"

"There are different events at the festival now shoo I have to finish this by tonight oh and go visit our threader you need a new outfit" Theseus made a shooing movement with her hand

"Where is that?" William questioned he usually walked around the palace but he's never seen or heard of that place.

"Ask one of the maids" Her tone was bland and she quickly got back to writing her speech. William wanted to ask her another question but he figured it wouldn't be a good idea.

William looked around for one of the maids usually he would find them walking the halls. A maid came from down the corner and William struggled on what to do.

"U-uhm miss where is the threader" William was nervous I mean who wouldn't be 'Theseus wouldn't'

"Oh that would be down this hallway I could show you if you like?" Her tone was soft and not annoyed like he thought it'd be.

"Oh yes please" William nodded and she smiled and they immediately began walking

"So how do you like being king sire," The maid asked

"I like it it's fun" William hadn't felt the whole aspect of being King yet but from what his father described every day it seemed awesome.

"That's nice what's your name?" The maid asked

"Oh my names William" The maid nodded

"My names Elizabeth but you can call me beth" Elizabeth hummed "here we are"

Elizabeth opened the door to the threader and William walked in. William looked over his shoulder and Beth had walked back down the hall. On the inside, the threader was waiting she had her measurement tape and cloth surrounding her.

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