As much as I wanted

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"Go go go" Theseus demanded in a panicked tone Shiro turned around to look at her. Shiro was their leader he was stronger and the eldest so he automatically took the role. He opened his mouth to speak but Theseus shushed him and pointed to the floorboards. She could hear the jagged footsteps just down the hall Shiro nodded and signaled for the rest of us to follow him.

The group now was just a bunch of random people that were found the group had grown from just three to seven in no time. Theseus looked past all the other people in their group Silas was toward the front. Theseus looked back behind them once she heard the footsteps get closer. This house was once like her old house with many dead ends and odd corners.

"Shit Shiro go!" Theseus yelled Shiro looked back before running down the hall. It came to a dead end Shiro looked both ways before running into an empty room. The rest of the group followed and slammed the door once Theseus was inside. She leaned up against the door using her full body weight she reached down and grabbed the door knob. The zombie slammed against the door with such force she had to dig her heels into the hardwood floors.

"You need to think of a plan quick this door won't hold," Theseus said Shiro nodded and looked around the room. There was one window and since they were on the second floor they could see Darling Theseus's truck down below. She was forced to give up her keys to Shiro since he was older Theseus hated him ever since for that.

She looked across the room to Silas who sat on the bed with his head down. Silas had been avoiding her the whole week not sparing her a glance or even a mean look. No matter how many times Theseus tried to talk to him it was always ignored.

Theseus was tempted to open the door and let the zombie in and shoot it dead. She reached down to her side she felt no gun and looked down. "Where's my gun?" Theseus looked to Vanity that wasn't her real name but that's what they all called her.

"You don't have it?" Vanity looked puzzled Theseus shook her head she had grown close to Vanity ever since Silas took to ignoring her. Vanity shrugged and then Shiro spoke.

"We can go out the window and climb on the patio roof I've unlocked the truck so we just have to get in our spots" Theseus almost rolled her eyes at the word 'spots' her and Silas had spots her behind the driver him in the middle or passenger now she just sat in the truck bed. Which they put a huge net over.

The door frame behind her began to break and cracking noises were heard. The old woman in front of her was helped out first. She didn't even know why they kept her around. Then Silas was let out third after Shiro then it hit Theseus.

Who would keep the door closed so they could leave? Soon enough Theseus was the only one left in the room. Everybody back down by Darling getting in the truck. Not a single thought to find a way to get her away from the door came from anybody. They left her there alone in a room so they could leave.

Even Silas didn't spare a second thought to hurry and leave her behind. Theseus watched them from the door she could have sworn she saw Silas looking at her before quickly turning away and getting in the passenger side. Or maybe he wasn't, and was just looking at how many people they had left to get in the truck she didn't know with him anymore.

The truck began to start and Theseus felt nothing even as the sound of cracking got louder and her life would slowly leave her body.

She let it all go black

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