i dont need you

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Home is one word

Home is a place you feel loved and comfortable. Home is the place to be yourself.

I have a home but they are not like yours.

Mine breathes talks and can barely see

I know this because I am two a home

I know I am a name to be remembered by all. They enjoyed my talking and how I never seemed to shut up leaving a lasting impression on them. People admired that in me.

Especially Silas

But I admire his courage and how determined he is. Always trying his best to be the perfect at anything and getting right back up if he failed. I admire how he can make anyone laugh (especially me) without even doing anything. But then again Silas was not perfect he had gone through things no one should have. That didn't change him though he only grew stronger from it.

And that's why he will always be my home


Theseus walked into Silas's room he was at his computer he typing away at a document. Theseus walked up behind him and slide her hands over his neck.

"Whatca doing?" Theseus asked and she felt Silas put her hand on her arms creating a space between her arms and his neck.

"History" Silas mumbled and took his hand away from Theseus's arms and continued to type away at his computer.

"That's easy," Theseus said applying most of her weight onto Silas who was used to it by now

"For you maybe I can't see the book well which makes it harder for me to get work done" Silas explained and Theseus looked around his room for another chair. Theseus and Silas usually came in pairs so they both had another chair in their room for the other.

"Oh yeah, I forgot your blind why don't you just get glasses" Theseus pulled the chair she found on the other side of Silas' room to his desk. So the back of the chair was leaning on his desk.

"I just don't have time" Silas sighed and Theseus looked at him she knew that was a lie but he didn't need to know that. Even if he did they made a mutual agreement not to ever talk about It.

Theseus began to talk again but she could hear footsteps down the hall. Theseus was in Silas's house he had invited her over. Well not invited more just Theseus invited herself in with a guest of course.

"Theseus can you help me with an assignment," Cooper asked and Theseus nodded getting up from her chair. She didn't like the fact she had to leave Silas even though she was only going to be in the kitchen which wasn't far from Silas.

It was weird to Theseus how people could go from talking every minute of the day surrounding there self in the presence of this person to not talking at all. People grow apart faster than they ever grew together Theseus knew that more than anybody else. I left Silas on read most of the time but I could see how hard he was trying to get me to respond. Soon the messages stopped coming through and that's when Theseus knew she could probably never fix what has happened.

Theseus knew school would be weird for Silas she saw how he would surround himself around his little sister's friends at school. They sat on opposite sides of the field at lunch something they would never do. She could see Silas starring even from so far away every time he got the chance. It hurt Theseus more than she liked to admit it there she was surrounded by friends and laughing uncontrollably. They weren't Silas though.

One time I was the trees to his forest one time I was the waves to his ocean one time I was the sun to his moon one time I was his home and he was mine


Maybe she just didn't need Silas anymore maybe Silas was a chapter of a book she was never going to finish shoved back far in her bookshelf never to be touched again.

So she would fill up the empty hole in her heart with other people something she was best at. But they were not Silas they were not her home, they were not Silas who would mend the broken damage.

"Theseus?" Cooper asked intertwining their fingers together and rubbing the back of her hand. Theseus had been starring at the wall of the classroom.

"Theseus" Cooper lightly shoved her shoulder

"Huh sorry what," Theseus said and looked over to cooper

"Are you okay?" Cooper asked and Theseus nodded.

"Now here you need the book for this question and also because I don't remember" Theseus pulled out a history book from the desk and flipped open the book to the needed page.

Theseus had started to surround herself with work even if it wasn't her own. It wasn't a good idea or even a good thing to do but it distracted her.

School was over and Theseus immediately packed up she wanted to be the first one out of there. She pulled out her phone from her bag after the teacher let them leave she was the first out the door.

Theseus walked out the gate and turned making her way to the bus. She could hear footsteps behind her they seemed panicked and fast-paced.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Theseus knew that voice from anywhere it was her home

"What do you want" Theseus stopped walking and turned to look at Silas he stopped walking with her he looked shocked before his face changed to hurt.

"I was wondering how you were doing" Silas confessed and that shot Theseus through the heart. Silas dug his way through the walls around her heart finding even the tiniest of crack to go through. She had no idea you could care for someone so much.

"I am doing fine and forever will be," Theseus said there was venom in her voice and she just hopped Silas didn't pick up on the hurt behind it.

'Im doing fine'

No that was a lie but Silas could never know that.

"Better then I ever did with you" Theseus said she couldn't look at him without anger rising up to hide the pain

Theseus looked Silas straight in the eye and he did the same his eyes were a gateway to his soul. Like moldable putty changing with every emotion.  Theseus looked away first Silas looked like he was about to cry and she couldn't bear to watch that. She walked towards the bus while Silas stood in the same spot.

Maybe it was best for her to let him go. Maybe it was better for both of them to let each other go to find new homes. Better to find their own sun to their moon and vice versa.

You cannot be yourself without a home I realize that now but mine will forever be gone.


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