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You might say the moon could only shine because of the sun but you would be wrong. The moon could shine even without the sun being directly there the sun only has to be close by.

But apparently, the sun never did anything wrong but they will forever be the reason the moon is hurt.


No matter how hard the sun tried the moon was hurt shunned or blocked from the rays of sun that supposedly gave him life.

And so the sun tried again and again and again. Lowering its rays of sunlight, Taking away everything that made the sun the sun. Trying so hard not to burn the moon, leaving a scar on the moon along with the many other scars. The sun could see every time she looked at him All the scars caused by her.

Every breathing moment around the moon was love but also worry. Worry that any single word would cause the moon to retreat back into their shell.

The moon was the only one for the sun and the sun was the only one for the moon but at some points, it didn't feel like it.

As if their differences pushed them so far apart they were strangers at one point. Well, just not one point but many points in time.

And the sun hated it. Hated having to go and repair it all the time, being the one to blame every time their friendship goes wrong.

The sun was once again the reason the moon was hurt

Did the sun know what they did this time?

No, and they never will until they get the moon says it out loud not just through body language and other people.

Now the moon wasn't also to not blame here either but it's not as if the sun would ever say that out loud. One of the many secrets that the sun would never dare to speak.

It was as though with the moon the sun always felt his best but yet. Sometimes the moon made her a person she hated someone they never wanted to be. The sun kept their mouth shut though knowing it would only hurt the moon more in the process.

So the sun being the sun lived on side by the moon even after all these years. But the moon wasn't his no more no no no the moon was someone else's some other galaxies.

The sun wasn't home but neither was the moon.

Maybe it was the right person wrong time or maybe it wasn't maybe they just were never meant to be but to the Sun and to the Moon, they would always be each others.

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