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"Theseus let's go" Silas spoke, they sat upon the edge of a hill overlooking the city below them, Darling was parked not far behind them. It was midday, and way too hot to be normal, Theseus could feel the sweat gather at her hairline, but by now she was used to being sweaty and germy. They were in Oregon now she was pretty sure, the places that her online friend had shown her were pretty similar to the ones she was looking at now. 

She nodded and picked up her bat, she reached for the keys inside of the pocket of her Carhart jacket. She hit the unlock button and watched as Silas climbed into the passenger seat. How she ever got him to be in the truck with her when she drove was a miracle. Was he constantly grabbing the safety handle? Yes, but was he still alive? Yes.

She opened the driver door and climbed in slamming the door shut. "Where to?" She inserted the key into the ignition and turned it, waiting for the truck to start up.

"A store there's one nearby" Silas said, a map in hand. Something he had stolen from one of those travel TA's, the word Oregon plastered in a dark green on top of the map.   

"The green store?" Theseus turned around in her seat to back up the truck so she could pull out of the small, secluded area.

Silas gave her a weird look. His eyebrow crooked and his nose twitched. "Green store? Do you mean SaveMart?"

"Yeah, whatever the hell it's called" Theseus mumbled turning the truck left to go down the small steep hill that led them up to the spot.

"Yes SaveMart" Silas sighed probably in belittlement on how she was able to drive or even survive this long. "Wait it's not even green." 

Theseus looked at him from the corner of her vision. "Yes, it is, the little green plant next to the side." She said.  

Silas looked at her in more disbelief and opened his mouth like he was going to make an argument but decided it wasn't worth the fight. 

Theseus continued to drive down the bumpy road, forest surrounded them from every side. Walkers walked around stupidly, running into trees or standing still. Silas looked out the window and watched them chuckling as they walked into trees. As soon as they were down off the cliff, she floored it down the road. Silas reached up and grabbed what he calls the 'oh shit handle'.

She slammed on her breaks as they came to a four way stop, and the car jerked forward. "Theseus!" Silas wheezed, she only laughed at him as he mumbled out curses at her. She made a right turn and continued down the road, zombies crowded around certain places and coming in and out of houses at their slow stupid pace.

She put her elbow on the window seal and laid her head on her hand. She was using one hand to steer down the road running over zombies in the process, she had run over zombies before purposely hitting them just because she could. Silas didn't care until he was doing something important, as the truck bounced crushing the zombie's bones.

Silas folded the map and put it into the center console "It's just up ahead" he said unbuckling his seatbelt. 

Theseus who never had hers buckled to begin with pulled into the parking lot on her left. She pulled up to the front of the parking lot stealing a spot a few cars away from the entrance.  

"Come on" Silas opened his door stepped down onto the ground closing his door softly.

"Yeah, yeah I'm going" Theseus opened her door and reached behind her to grab her bag for supplies. She locked the door after closing it and put the key in her jacket pocket.

"So, what do we need?" Her and Silas continued their way to the store, Silas had a gun on his hip and a knife strapped on his ankle. Theseus looked down to the buckle around his ankle "Oh shit my bat" Theseus ran to her truck and pulled her bat from the bed of the truck running back to Silas who was waiting for her at the entrance. 

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