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It was early morning; the dark room contrasted the brightness from outside. Theseus was lying on her side while I continued to lay on my back. I could tell she was thinking about something, I could see her lips pressed thinly together and her staring intensely at the wall next to me. 

"I'm going to Mora," she said, I turned on my side to face her. Ah, there it is. It's not like she was asking me to go, she wasn't even demanding me to let her go she was just telling me. 

"Alright, when will you be back?" I asked, I had a speculation. At least two weeks, maybe even a month if she went with Lucas. She pulled the blanket under her chin and pulled into herself, so this meant she wasn't even sure of herself. This also meant she was going alone.  

"Not long, no longer than a week," she said. Oh? "Do you want anything from over there?"

I shook my head; I'd never been to Mora, so I didn't even know what was over there. "When are you leaving?" Theseus looked up; she was running the calculations in her head. The week after this they had a public event that wasn't to be missed. 

"Later today" I nodded, should have known. I saw Theseus lean over; I twisted my head wondering what she could have been doing before her lips pressed onto mine.

She pulled away, and the remnants of smoke and alcohol stayed in my mouth. "See you next week." 

I nodded; she clambered off the bed letting the blanket fall off her body. "Wait Theseus" I sat up.

She turned around "Hm?" My mouth opened, a million unanswered questions I wanted answered. Right now, wasn't the right time. 

"It's nothing have fun," I said laying back down on our bed. She shrugged and continued to roam around the room gathering things to take with her. 

That's when I noticed it—a finger-shaped bruise along her ankle and another one on her calf. I narrowed my eyes, a bruise? not only just a bruise, a finger-shaped bruise. 

Before I could ask her, she swiftly made her way out of our shared bedroom. I sighed; I was used to her randomly disappearing for weeks. She was known for this amongst the people, but going to Mora? I've never heard of her doing that.  

I had a sneaking suspicion, I knew why she was going there, William. Not only did he cheat on her he managed to abandon her and the throne, leaving her to clean up the mess alone, he didn't even say goodbye.

 So why would she go back to him? William doesn't deserve her. I groaned my hands falling over my eyes, "Fuckin' hell Theseus."

Later that day around noon the familiar sound of a carriage rolling through the quart yards. I looked out her office window, she and Lucas were in the quart yard standing side by side, I watched them intensely. 

Neither of them said anything as Theseus climbed into the carriage and it drove away.  Now the palace would be quiet, it was quiet when she was here but now it was an eerie quiet. 

There was no one to climb into bed anymore at random times at night or hand me books that she found and thought I would like. 

I sighed; this week was going to be the most boring. At most, I was usually the one leaving to go visit Crimson, even though all I had back there was my mom. 

She was always so worried when I came back, being married to the woman who killed my father gave my mom such a fright. When me and my mother were first told I would be marrying Theseus it caused a panic. Now I know she's just kind, maybe she slaughtered my father out of mercy. 


Today marked Theseus's return from Mora; the week passed more quickly than I anticipated. I sat patiently at my desk in my office, and obtaining my own office was an achievement.

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