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"Theseus lets go come on get up" Theseus's mom flipped on the light "come on sleepy beauty" her mom waited until she flipped over onto her side

"What time Is it?" Theseus groaned

"It's like 12 pm" her mom replied

"Yayy I don't have to go to school" Theseus cheered in victory

"You don't even go anyways" her mom laughed

"But still no school"

"No, we still do gotta go"


"We've got to drop off your school computer" her mom explained

"Oh yeah," Theseus groaned getting out of bed and centering her balance as she stood up.

"You excited to leave," her mom asked

"Heh ya no" Theseus deadpanned walking out of the room

"I think you'll like the new place" Her mom hummed and Theseus only looked at her

"But we just moved," Theseus said grabbing a bowl and passing it to her mom who pour some pozole in.

"True but there are new opportunities there" her mom sighed

Theseus sat at the table and turned on the tv she went to Disney plus and scrolled through the movies and clicked on Encanto.

Theseus shoved spoon full after spoon full into her mouth while she waited for her mom to get ready. It was Thursday and she hadn't gone to school since last week. She was already taken off the roster for her school so there was no need to go. They didn't leave for Oklahoma till Friday and the week seemed to fly by way too quickly.

"Come on let's go," her mom said grabbing her car keys and heading out the door Theseus nodded and turned off the tv, and put her plate into the skin before following her mom out the door.

Meanwhile, with steph, he didn't know what was going on none of the tecks did.

"Hey have any of you guys seen Theseus," Steph asked sitting down at the lunch table.

"No," Cooper said sitting down

"I haven't seen her either" Katie pointed out as she sat where Theseus usually sat but she hadn't been here all week so she just took her spot.

"Haven't really heard from her either" Cooper said

"Okay well you and her hardly even talk anyway" Steph scoffed

"Sometimes she would usually text me but I haven't even gotten a message" Cooper defended

"True and then she would complain to me that you didn't respond" Steph rolled his eyes

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