was i never enough?

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Theseus sat at her office desk a maid had brought another stack of paper and laid it on the corner of her desk.

"Are you kidding me" Theseus sighed and slammed her head on the desk. Theseus picked up another paper she read over it lightly and signed her name over it. She had a headache she was running on tea and pastries for three days. But the paper work kept coming.

Theseus spun her chair around it was mid-day now much different than when Theseus had started her work. She got down from her chair and walked towards the glass door and pushed one open walking onto the patio. Down below she could see the city and the people walking the kids running around.

Oh, how Theseus wished that could be her down there. Carrying baskets of fruit and vegetables down the market hall. Planning on what she would make for lunch. sowing with a group of friends while laughing. Picking flowers in flower beds over the hills and past the farmlands. On the inside, she knew that would never be the case she will always be stuck in her office. Shes stuck sighing paper and fixing mistakes around the kingdom. She must be perfect. Perfect perfect perfect

Theseus moved away from her patio before she cracked for the first time in months. It would be over something stupid and that made her feel pathetic Theseus walked back into the office and her mind spun.

Theseus collapsed back onto her chair. She heard the familiar footsteps down the hall making their way towards her office. Theseus walked up to one of the bookshelves pushed up against the right side of the office.

"Theseeusss" William barged, into the office he had his sword attached to his hip and his circlet on.

"Hi Will," Theseus said pulling out a book from the shelves and flipping to the first page before sitting back down at her desk.

"Do you wanna go to town with me" William begged and Theseus only looked at him. William put on a fake pretty smile as if that would convince her to go with him.

Theseus thought a little bit. She had been doing paperwork to the point her hands had started to cramp up and she was starting to get jumpy.

"Eh sure why not," Theseus said and William cheered running out of the office and down the hall. Theseus only smiled and walked back to their shared bedroom she looked in the mirror and she realized how much of a mess she looked. Her hair was down and stuck up in many places and she looked tired which she was. Waking up from sun up and working till sundown wore down her body.

Theseus pulled on some random clothes that consisted of a green tunic and black pants. She brushed out her hair and it didn't poof thankfully. She took her circlet from her vanity and placed it on her head. She took a cape from one of the racks and fastened the two gold clasps in the front.

"Are you ready yet?" William asked he was excited to leave

"Yeah" Theseus grabbed her favorite purse and walked out the door with William.

Theseus led the way as they walked into town she watched as William ran up to the many different stalls and picked stuff up before setting it back down. She eyed people as they walked past her and William. Watching as they immediately went to turn and whisper some backed up and some did not. Instead, they chose to bow to Theseus with a nervous laugh when they caught her staring.

"Theseus I want this" William held up a small blue pendant.

"Alright go pay for it" Theseus pulled out a few gold coins for him to go pay the owner of the stall.

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