life time

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"Me first" Theseus put her phone and hoodie down onto the bridge floor Silas was right next to her waiting to go next. She walked backward till she was touching the other side of the bridge. Theseus got a running head start forward and jumped over the railing of the bridge using that as support to lift herself off. Theseus shouted in victory as she made her way down.

It was night time as Theseus fell she could feel the coldness on her skin the sound of the wind rushing past her ears. She loved the feeling of being weightless in the air being pulled down by gravity. The water was even colder than the air outside when she broke the surface.

She could hear a muffled shout of her name above the water surface along with a cheer. Theseus swam up and poked her head out of the water.

"Silas come on it's cold though!" Theseus shouted back she honestly didn't think he could handle it. With the temperature outside the water mixed with the temperature inside the water wouldn't be a good mix for him. She was wrong as soon as Silas jumped down into the lake he was quick to swim around.

Theseus ducked her head back underwater. The lake was deep so the muddy water was at least eight feet deep so she didn't have to worry about touching the disgusting bottom.

Theseus could see Silas through the clear water he was floating on his back. Maybe Theseus was a tad bit evil but when you've been alive for as long as she has could you blame her? No

Theseus was right under Silas and pulled him under. Silas thrashed and screamed as she pulled him under.

"No!" Silas screamed laughing as they floated up to the surface Theseus pulled them back under again "how dare you!"

Theseus choked on water and as she laughed with Silas still thrashing around. "Tag!"

"Oh you bitch" Silas shouted it was a playful aggressive tone Theseus dragged herself out of the water running into the forest with a head start.

Theseus jumped over logs and ducked under tree branches listening to the cracking of the leaves and branches under Silas's feet as she ran making sure that he was at least a few feet away from her. Well, she didn't think he was going to catch up anyway but it was just to make sure. When Theseus could no longer hear the crunching of the leaves and branches she sat down next to a bush.

It had colorful leaves and berries on it some being pink some being red. Being the impulsive person she was Theseus popped a few in her mouth. They were sweet with a sour taste at the end. Theseus picked a few more off the bush and shoved them into her mouth a branch snapped and Theseus looked over.

"Theseus you dumbass spit those out there poisonous!" Silas said as Theseus shoved more in her mouth she didn't know what they meant till the familiar sting on her tongue started to arise.

"Well, shit," Theseus said while Silas was freaking out about how was he going to explain this to his dad or to her grandmother who would definitely sue him. "Ehh i'll be fine" Theseus waved it off.

"I hate when you say Ehh especially in situations like this" Silas groaned Theseus just sat their legs crossed by the Bush secretly popping more into her mouth.

"Stop eating them!" Silas yelled pulling her hands away from the bush.

"It's not like im going to die" Theseus whined

"Yes, you are let's go" Silas dragged Theseus back to the lake and up the steep road back that leads up the bridge.

Theseus picked up all of their belongings and handed Silas his. Silas was still eyeing Theseus as if she would just randomly drop dead from the poison. A gush of wind blew past Silas shivered he was still not the best for cold weather.

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