Diffrence in power

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William wasn't stupid he knew he was going to have to fight Theseus the moment he stepped out the door. So he prepared himself taking a deep breath in before walking out the glass door.

"Theseus?" William asked and Theseus didn't look away from her city one that was burning and crumbling.

"Hm?" It was a hum of acknowledgment towards William was he thankful she didn't acknowledge him? yes. He knew this fight would end two ways Theseus kills him or he kills Theseus.

"So why are you letting it burn it will take forever to rebuild maybe even year's" William questioned Theseus didn't seemed phased though as if it was only a bump in the road for her.

Does she even care about her people the question stuck in tbe back of William's mind he dared not to voice it though.

"No, I rule over many other kingdoms besides ours and now I rule over the Kingdom Of Red we will have all of this rebuilt in months time" Theseus eyes traced over the city and William could see it her eyes changed.

"The hidden silos and the farmlands were not damaged and we have fatal supplies were coming from Lakeden and Mora" Theseus explained and a sinister smile stretched across her face and that made William want to back up and run but he had to stand strong. In the back of his kind he knew he never stood a chance against Theseus.

Maybe if he paid more attention William would think about how word got to Lakeden and Mora so quickly.

"Ah yes I see then," William said and that's when he knew he had to get away he sneaked his hand down and grabbed his sword he didn't know if Theseus would pull anything.

William turned his back and that's when pain shot down William's spine and he gasped stuttering a little forward before regaining his balance. William looked over Theseus held an ax but the blade faced her.

William pulled out his sword and pushed Theseus back with his shoulder. She stumbled back but quickly gained her balance again. She swung her ax at William and now he could see it there was no remorse behind her eyes only greed.

William let the swing go right by him so he backed up. Theseus only swung again William's sword slashed against Theseus's ax.

Theseus took the opportunity to swing at his side causing a gash of a wound William winced and breathed in.

"Fuck!" William yelled and Theseus pushed William to the ground. William used his sword to block Theseus's ax as it came down. Theseus put pressure on her ax and William's arms started to tremble to hold up his sword.

William grabbed the ax with his left hand and pulled her ax towards him. When Theseus started to lose her footing William brought his foot up and kicked her backward. Theseus fell backward and William stood up Theseus had no ax but she did have a sword. Reality set in for William and that made him go quiet. Theseus's head tilted like she was thinking and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Come on William you know you have to," Theseus said and William only looked at her weirdly.

"You know?" William asked he knew Theseus liked to analyze people but knowing this much in such a short time was a lot.

"Of course, I did," Theseus said "im not stupid I knew the moment you stepped out of that castle I didn't think you would hold up on it though "

William froze Theseus knew him all too well sometimes. This doesn't make sense though why would she know what was going to happen but do nothing about it.

"You know you think too much sometimes William" Theseus spoke and that snapped him out of his trance.

"I do not" William snapped back

"You do I would have had the perfect chance to kill you right now," Theseus said simply

"Then why didn't you" William's eyes narrowed and his voice was bitter William knew it was probably a bad idea to have said that when he looked at Theseus on the ground. She looked surprised at his outburst.


"Because why!" His patience was wearing thin and he wanted Theseus to hear his side of the story but she wasn't phased.

"Pick up your sword and fight me!" William was aggressive when he's upset sometimes he was even blinded by it. When she didn't move from her spot William groaned in anger. He let the anger overtake him he took his sword and forced it against Theseus's neck.

"Will you fight me now!" William sounded like he wanted to cry he didn't want to kill an innocent person even though Theseus herself was not so innocent anyways. Blood will forever stain her fingertips and power will always be her motive.

Theseus wasn't fighting back she stayed on the floor. Theseus looked like she wanted to fight back she looked like she wanted to be the one with the sword to the other's neck. It was in her eyes adrenalin pumped through her veins yet she didn't say anything. She didn't move or speak and William semi thanked her for that. But she held eye contact and that was so much worse. He could feel her stare and it never budged no matter what. Theseus looked William in the eyes. So he looked back she looked like the statue back in the garden. Her pupils were dilated and her light green eyes were dull the brown was still there. Though mixed in swirls. William always thought she had pretty eyes but now he just wished she wouldn't look at him even if her face looked stone-cold and her eyes were aggressive he knew she was hurt.

Her sword was nowhere in reach but he knew from this position she could easily beat him in hand-to-hand combat. Yet she didn't move she just stayed right there. She was waiting for him to slice the sword across her neck and that's when William's hand's started to tremble.  

He couldn't do it but he had to. Theseus started to get impatient and William was halfway thinking of putting the sword down.

"Well William are you going to kill me or not" Theseus was taunting him and it was working. He didn't want to do this and his mind was spinning with thoughts. He would be killing his best friend and all for what.

William's heart ached and it was a sorrowful ache that spread through his body like a disease and almost made him puke. William felt the sword move from the other end and William looked down to Theseus.

She had a grip on the sword and instead of fighting back, she moved the sword in the motion needed to kill her.

"Since you can't ever seem to do anything yourself"

Venom, Anger, impatience

William held his breath and closed his eyes and put pressure on her neck with the tip of the sword. He could feel her flesh as he moved the sword across her neck as fast he could. Then the droplets of blood that splattered on his face. He felt nasty and disgusting like no matter how many showers he took would wash away his sin.

William opened his eyes and looked down Theseus had collapsed on her side her eyes had closed and blood spilled from her wound. She looked peaceful if you ignored the wound on her neck she looked like she was just sleeping. That was the bad part for William ever since he met Theseus all he's seen her do is work seeing her look so peaceful was a relief.

William's chest became heavy and his breathing slowed down and his head began to swarm. His heart hurt and he choked up his body began to feel too heavy and that's when William collapsed to his knees. And he screamed a scream that carried over the city like thunder.

He the moon had killed the sun so now he must face the consequences and wither away.

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