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Two birds on a wire

"Come on stop complaining here take your gummy bears" Stephanie handed a bag of gummy bears to Theseus who took them and tore the bag open. It was routine now Steph would take Theseus to some acting gigs because she didn't want to go alone and in return for being there Theseus got gummy bears.

"Sit here and don't move until I say so" Steph pointed at a chair and Theseus gladly sat down.

Steph ran up to her position for the gig and started her lines. Theseus could see it. The gleam in his eyes as she performed the smile that seemed to stretch across their face. It was pure happiness. Something you didn't see often from her.

One tries to fly away and the other

"I got it Sun I got it can you believe it!" Steph yelled as he took Theseus by the shoulders and shook her.

"You got the gig"

"Yes!" Happiness poured out of her voice like a sponge Theseus watched and snickered to herself and steph repeatedly screamed yes and jumped around as he did when she was excited.

Time skip

Theseus sat and watched as Steph read her lines.

"Okay, how does this sound" Steph cleared her voice "I must reject-"

"It's object" Theseus butted in

"Shut up" Steph cleared his voice again "I must object to this decision made by the royal court as the eldest daughter of Queen Marigold"

"I'm surprised you memorized that" Theseus hummed as she read along on the script.

"Honestly me to" Steph admitted, "oh shit we're late we gotta go!" Steph grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

"You haven't even memorized all your lines yet though!" Theseus yelled as she scrambled after steph.

"It's too late for that let's go!"

Watches him close from that wire

Theseus wasn't allowed to go to film sets anymore as they didn't need more people on set and neither liked that but they agreed to put it past themselves.

Every day they spent less time together when Steph came home he was too tired and immediately fell asleep. On his days off he read script lines and practiced or was yet again asleep.

Theseus didn't try and bother to get her out of bed anymore nor to knock on the office door to drop off water bottles and snacks. The house became silent and Theseus couldn't say she wasn't used to it.

Steph coming home late at night eating leftovers in the microwave Theseus had ordered her. The random text Theseus got letting her know Steph was getting home late or even coming home at all if she didn't go drinking with her coworkers. Theseus didn't bother reading the text she already knew what it said sending a quick "okay" was most of their conversations now.

She says she wants to as well but she is a lair

Theseus flicks on the basement light and waits as the lights floods the room before she goes down. After digging through boxes with her name on it she feels the cool leather of the case in her hands and pulls it out of the box. Theseus brought it up to her face and blew the dust off.

Grabbing the case by the handle she takes it upstairs to the living room and flicks off the basement light.

Flipping open the locks she's met with a still intact violin. Reaching into the case and pulling out the bow tightening the strings. Taking out the Rosin and gliding it up and down the bow a few times. She takes the violin out of the case and tuning the strings in order G, D, A, E. Stretching out her arm and resting her chin on the chin rest. It brought back memories of the cold leather on her chin and cold wood the strings that made an unforgettable noise beneath her fingertips.

Theseus lightly gripped the bow putting her fingers directly back into the place they fell as if it was muscle memory even after all these years.

Theseus started to hum her instructor told her it wasn't a good thing but she never really listened anyways.

"Two bird's on a wire"

She timed her hums with the rain outside. Pacing faster strokes with the shorter ones till the beautiful melody echoed through the quiet house.

Her instructor said your mood was always detectable by how you play and Theseus never really believed them till she was actually the one playing. Hearing the sorrow that played from the violin against its will. The shorter strokes she took on one note before she switched to another long one.

It was a beautiful melody one that blended in with the moon that flooded the living room and the rain that flooded her ears.

In the distance, she could hear her phone go off with a message from steph but she ignored it already knowing what it was going to say.

This time the message was different 'im going to be home early' but Theseus didn't check.

Theseus's fingers paced along the strings playing every note as she hummed out her lyrics. The bow in her hand glided across the violin just like the tip of her fingertips.

"One tries to fly away and the other says"

Theseus slowly dragged the bow down the E string letting it echo reminding her of her old home in the empty quiet house she was bound to.

And the violin slowly tuned out and the melody that flooded the room stopped.
"I'm tired"


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