All for power

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"Miss Theseus there here now," a maid said Theseus sat at her vanity. It was a meetup for the joining of two kingdoms Epria and Acceptance.

Theseus always thought it was a weird name. Kingdom of acceptance really? Then again there Kingdom wasn't known for war like Epria was. They were known for peace and equality they didn't have very much defense when it came to Army.

That's why Theseus supposed they were combining with her kingdom. The kingdom of Epria is known for War and the great Kingdom borders that stretched miles upon miles.

Theseus sat up almost being weighed down by her dress. The dress was a big green ball gown with flowers and threaded on the bottom with a darker green. Her red hair was down with two strips tied behind her head with a green bow.

She had a gold necklace with a singular emerald tight around her neck. Diamonds and gold were common in her outfits as shown by the bracelets around her wrists.

Theseus walked down the hall till she got to the throne room. Her father stood talking to the King of Acceptance his son standing right behind him. He looked almost awkward as if he didn't want to be there. Theseus didn't blame him she didn't want to do this either.

"Ah and here is my lovely daughter Theseus," her father said as soon as she stood next to him.

"This is my son William, William says hi," Williams's father said and William froze a little before speaking up.

He had a lanky build and he was tall his fluffy hair framed his face. Blue was obviously his favorite color with how much blue he wore.

"Hello," William said he sounded nervous and he looked it. Picking at his hands and looking everywhere but Theseus and almost hiding behind his father like a shield. She could tell he was not the talking type and she almost laughed.

"Hello nice to meet you, William" Theseus smiled and to William, it seemed too sweet. Almost like it was practiced giving the illusion of a sweet little girl. Like sweet sugar candy that was actually sour.

William nodded and went back to picking at his hands. He regret what he said Theseus seemed so confident when she spoke.

He could feel her stare he always at least tried to make eye contact but he felt as if her eyes were staring into his soul.

"See why can't you be like her William," his father said and William grimaced.  He was used to his father comparing him to people but this one hurt more. This was a complete stranger he's only heard six words out of.

"Now you two better get to know each other your weddings soon" Theseus's father hummed and both turned to look at him in shock.

William looked to his father after neither were told of this. But it was expected how else would they conjoin two kingdoms.

"Now off with you to" William's father shooed them away so he and Theseus's father could continue to talk.

The two walked down the corridor Theseus led the way while William looked around. The castle was bigger than Williams more furnished with paintings and vases. He struggled to keep up she walked way too fast for him.

They reached Theseus's room she pushed the door open and waited for him to walk in.

"Thank you" William quietly whispered and he wanted to bang his head on the wall.

The more William looked around the bigger Theseus room seemed to get. There were a few bookshelves in a corner by the balcony with a chair and table inform of the shelves. Her bed is in the middle of the room with dark green bedding. She had a huge closet in another corner near her even bigger vanity which she immediately sat down at. Jewelry was scattered along the vanity Rubies, gold, diamonds, emeralds and even lapis were in forms of necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.

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