my love

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"They breached the northern border" one knight spoke he was the leader of the knights and also the one that gave Theseus all the reports. Theseus looked down at the map confused.

"How'd they know to attack the northern border" Theseus mumbled, "how much damage did they do?"

"We almost lost the north border but some troops coming from the south border happened to pass by" The knight explained and Theseus nodded sitting down in her chair.

It was another boring meeting so William had to sit in his chair near the end of the table. Right next to Theseus's who had her chair at the end of the table. But this time it seemed serious. The Kingdom of red was trying to capture all the borders and somehow knew Epria's next move every time a new plan was made.

Theseus figured out soon enough there was a spy and had every suspicious person to her thrown in a cell. William looked over to Theseus she had finally sat down. She started to think he could see it her mouth would turn into a thin line and her face would be void of any emotion.

William looked over to Lucas who also looked focused. William had a crush on Lucas ever since he first saw the other. Who could blame him? Curly light brown hair green eyes that were the color of the grassy hills outside. Lucas was also tall and kind offering to help anyone he could.

Lucas must have caught William starting because he gave a smile before returning back to the meeting.

The meeting carried on for another hour and William was dying. He had said mostly nothing this entire meeting he didn't need to Theseus would do all the talking.

"Alright everyone let's wrap this up go to your assigned positions" Theseus sighed getting up and walking out of the meeting room with William soon following.

"Did you see Lucas in the meeting he looked so hot" William rambled on now they were walking down the hallway to Theseus's office.

"No, I was too busy worrying about our kingdom," Theseus said William looked over to her she still had her thinking face.

"Are you okay?" William asked as Theseus opened the door to the office he wasn't going into the office.

"Yeah" Theseus closed the office door leaving William alone. William was concerned but brushed it off and went to the opposite side of the castle where Elizabeth's room was.

"Hi, Sire," Elizabeth said her voice was like warm hot cocoa his mother would give to him before before William quickly shook his head of those thoughts

"Elizabeth im so bored" William whined sitting down on the couch

"Why is that?" Elizabeth asked she was sowing a dress and William kept note to buy her another one

"Theseus is in her office all day and shes always stressed to the point she takes it out on me" William complained

"Sire, you do understand she's under the threat of a war?" Elizabeth said "That's a lot of pressure"

"Yes I understand but that's no reason to take it out on me" William's anger was spiking and now like Theseus, he was taking it out on Elizabeth he didn't mean to.

"You see how she feels right now don't you?" Elizabeth asked setting down the needle and looked at him "she doesn't mean to she's under a lot of stress"

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