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Whispers of a new kid started circling around the school. It was unusual, Warrior middle school was small barely even 400 kids in the whole school.

People already started to talk about the new kid, whose they would be in, if they were cute or not. If they were a boy or girl, some were already deciding if they wanted the new kid to be in their friend group or not.

I rolled my eyes, praying to god the new kid didn't turn out like the popular kids.

"Did you hear about the new student?" Jackie asked, her glasses hung on her nose as most of her brown hair covered her face. Hailey sat to my left on the bench while Jackie was to my right.

"Yeah, is it a boy or girl?" I asked leaning back on the bench and looking toward the entrance gate we used to get in to the cafeteria.

If I was correct, and the new student was coming today, they would be walking through that gate any minute.

"Boy apparently" Jackie sighed knowing she was also big on the boy-girl debate. The number of boys in the school out ruled the girls by at least three, and apparently, the girls were desperate to even out the number.

The sound of the gate's door opening and slamming closed was enough to gather everyone's attention. Kids started to huddle around in circles while we stuck to the bench.

The boy walked along with the principal nodding along to whatever she said as she pointed around the school.

The boy looked straight in front of him, standing on the edge of the concrete. A blue sweatshirt and jeans how basic, he turned his head a little making eye contact with me.

I narrowed my eyes, looking him up and down. He was short but still had a smidgen of height above some of the other kids, with a nervous smile plastered on his face and a stupid anime sweatshirt.

He was weird and I could already tell I wouldn't like him, everything about him screamed annoying. The boy's face was still stuck looking at me like a computer taking too long to load.

A wave of hurt washed over his face before turning away from me to talk to the group of boys.

The boys cheered and the girls groaned, now being outnumbered by four. The guys started to huddle around him, asking questions once the principal had left.

I rolled my eyes "Were stuck with another Alex"

"Awe man I wanted it to be another girl" Jackie fake cried, I watched him as he was passed around through the guys even some girls started to hover around him.

"I wonder if he's gay?" Jackie asked me and Hailey both looked at her Hailey put down her pencil from her art book.

"Me too" Hailey wondered, also watching him he looked back over to us winching and looking away.

"If he was a girl he definitely would be" Jackie replied, fixing her glasses pushing them higher up her face.

I shrugged not caring anyways, I leaned further into the bench letting two talk more in depth about him.

The new guy looked back at us again, weird that's what he was. Weird.

The weird guy scrunched his nose and turned his head away from me, blending into the crowd of people.


I closed the classroom door and turned to my left towards the fountain. The new boy was in the other class and not mine, I don't know if I was thankful for that yet.

I rounded the corner for the water fountain, the new guy was there. Why is he everywhere?

The new guy seeing he wasn't alone anymore looked up at me from the fountain, releasing the button and stopping the water.

I ran my gaze up over the new kid's sweatshirt to the jeans they wore. I looked at their wrist since the blue hoodie sleeves were pulled up, water-soaking patches of the blue hoodie near their waist.

I looked back up at his face, he looked at me nervously still in front of the water fountain. So this is the new kid? I looked him over once more, what the hell is his name anyways?

A look of realization dawned on his face, "Hi nice to meet you I'm Silas" He smiled putting out his hand for me to shake.

I grasped his hand, his grip was meek, I felt his grip get tighter. I shook his hand and retracted mine. "You're still in front of the water fountain can you move please?" I asked

Silas quickly walked two steps away from the fountain "Sorry, bye" He waved quickly turning his back and walking towards Mr.fuckheads class.

So all of the new kids are weird, I rolled my eyes and drank some of the water. I heard the door to her class slam shut harder than it needed to be.


I placed my tray on the black salad bar railing, and the new guy- Silas was next to me. I heard the sound of crunching styrofoam and looked over to Silas who has a tight grip on his tray, he quickly let it go soon after.

I scrunched my nose, an unconscious habit I had developed from God knows where. I moved along in the line, grabbing the scooper and putting peaches on my tray.

I looked over my tray, chicken nuggets, fries, peaches, and fuck I looked back to the end of the salad bar.

I forgot a ketchup packet, Silas looked at and I looked at him. He stared at me, that same blank stare from earlier in the morning, and handed me two ketchup packets.


"Thanks" I nodded grabbing the packets and putting them on my tray, at least he was niceish, but I wasn't getting my hopes up.

I heard two other voices mix with his, Alex's and Arron I groaned internally they weren't bad people, one of them was even mutual friends with Hailey I just didn't like Alex.

I kept a mental note to not stick around him.


I rounded the corner for the water fountain again. There he was Silas, I stared at home dumbfounded he was always there, always

I was starting to think he was stalking me or something. Every time I came to the water fountain he was there, unless he was skipping class?, but I've seen him in class, and he didn't seem like the type.

Hunched over the handouts and squinting his eyes, obvious dislike for the teacher prominent.

He looked at me for a second, nose scrunching then turned his head away from me. His mouth opened then clamped shut.

He walked away almost hurt. There was something he wanted to say, it was on the tip of his tongue yet he bit it back.

I watched him walking away, I narrowed my eyes I almost felt bad. He barely looked at me in the face and seemed to scurry off every time I was around.

That's only if he didn't crook his eyebrow and scrunch his nose to say he was upset.

He must have called me a bitch at one point seeing as how he seemed in a permit form of dismay and annoyance when I was around.

I huffed, another person I was forced to be around. Nothing more nothing less. 

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