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"This is a bad idea Theseus" Her cousin winced from over the phone "Just tell him you moved"

"I can't" Theseus snapped back at her settling herself into her new bed, which smelled like dust and the covers were scratchy against her skin.

"Why?" The call made a static noise like her cousin was rubbing her phone up and down scratchy bedsheets like the ones Theseus currently laid on. "You would rather have him think you just up and disappeared?"

"Yeah," She answered honestly. She would rather have Silas think she disappeared again, like that summer in 5th grade.

"He's going to be pissed Theseus, you can't do that to people" She sighed "It thought you were smarter than this"

"I am smarter than this" Theseus rolled her eyes. Her cousin wasn't seeing it, this was the best way.

"Girl then you better start acting like it" Her voice wavered.

"I thought you were supposed to be on my side" Theseus rolled onto her side staring out the window that showed her new neighborhood.

"I am but when am I supposed to say when he texts me about you?, cause you know he will" Her cousin argued back trying to destroy every single point Theseus had made to prove her idea was a good one.

"Lie for me"


"What?" This wasn't the worst idea she had so her cousin should consider herself lucky.

"This is going to backfire on you so hard" She sighed picking her phone up "I've got to go though, they're having a graduation party later"

"Alright bye"


Theseus hung up first not waiting to see if her cousin had anything else left to say. This wasn't a bad idea, it wasn't she was looking out for her friends.

They wouldn't be hurt like this. Like this, the hurt would pass and the nagging feeling of love would fade. Then they would no longer miss her and everyone wins in the end.

She grabbed her phone, it was new from her father after she purposely broke her old one. She had changed her number and had her cousin change her Instagram password so she wouldn't be tempted to log back in.

Her old phone was buried in a box somewhere in the car. All her old clothes were thrown away, her posters trashed, and perfumes and lotions given away to her cousin. Stuffed animals given away to Goodwill in another town, she used a different shampoo and conditioner she even changed her curling cream that Silas thought smelled like coconuts and cheese.

Her bracelets hugged tightly on her wrist but she itched to take them off. She wasn't Theseus anymore, she wasn't the girl with red hair that liked to laugh. She was no one now but that's how she liked it.

Being no one meant she was free, with no responsibilities and a new start to life. This was her chance to start over and fix the past mistakes that affected no one but herself.

Theseus checked the date, June 5th right now Silas thinks she's getting on a plane to Texas and coming back a day after her birthday.

But in reality, she wasn't doing any of those things. She wasn't in Texas but instead in Kansas, she didn't get on a plane but instead drive the 26 hours it took to get to Kansas.

Silas thought she was coming back but she wasn't, he thought she would text him back after she got home but she wouldn't. She'd logged out of her Instagram account this morning and now she laid on a scratchy new bed.

This wasn't her home but it would soon be her house.

Would there be an onslaught of messages from Silas or would he stop texting her? Would he wish her a happy birthday? Would he try and stalk her location but see it says network off? Would he text her cousin?

crack chaptersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora