Chapter 52

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The garden of Ian's parents house was lit with string lights as the auction was to be held there. I could see a small dais set up to the left with tables and chairs placed before it. Guests were gathered, drinking and chattering, their laughs ringing in my ears.

Wind blew across the garden, rustling the leaves of the tress and I nervously fidgeted with the sleeves of my knee length light pink dress.

"I can't believe you convinced me to come here" Ian grumbled as he hooked his arm with mine.

I smiled. "I told you, coming here together would prove that we aren't affected by the lies circulating in the media. If we hide, it means the media won. So this auction is a good place to show that we're not defeated" I lied through my teeth. That wasn't the reason why I came here.

At first this was just about Nathan but now it was about me too. We were both framed into a cheating scandal and if I could prove that he was framed then my name would be cleared too. Audrey was currently at her director's house with Brian, trying to sneak in. I brought my friends into this too because they wanted to help me clear my name. And Brian has connections to stuff that could be of help, like how he helped me break into the Prescott's a long time ago. Any extra help to reduce the risk of getting caught matters.

Ian let out a sigh. "Fine, let's go"

We walked into the garden and I could see heads turn our way. People threw accusing glares at me, some whispered behind their hands. And I didn't even need to listen to know what they were saying. Cheater, cheater, cheater. The words echoed in my ear.

Ian straightened his shoulders, his jaw clenching as he levelled everyone with a glare.

I gave a gentle squeeze to his arm. "Relax, we expected this"

Ian's face hardened. "This is why I hate people" He grumbled.

Before I could reply a shriek broke out from the crowd. A blue eyed woman came running towards us with her arms open. "Oh my sweet boy is here"

Ian's mother, who I recently learned the name was Elisa came and hugged Ian but he pushed her away. "Get off of me"

She ignored it and cupped his face in her hands. "I didn't think you'd come. If you had informed me earlier I would've prepared your favourite dish. But I'm so happy that you came" She squeezed his cheeks and Ian yanked her hands away.

"Don't touch me" He hissed.

Behind Elisa, Chairman appeared. His gaze slid to me and a sly smirk twisted in his lips. "You still with her son? Even after she cheated on you?"

Elisa then noticed I was there and turned to me. Fire blazed in her eyes. "What is she doing here?" She hissed. "I'll tell a maid to throw her out"

"She's not going anywhere" Ian growled and tugged me closer. "And get out of my way" He pushed past his parents and we went further into the garden.

"I told you this was a bad idea" He said as we came to a halt near the food table.

"We have to face this someday Ian" He opened his mouth but I raised a hand up. "Now don't say 'not today' because you've been saying that for a week now"

Ian rolled his eyes. "Fine"

My lips tugged up and I gave a pat to his cheek. I hated keeping secrets from him. I've never done that. I wish I could tell him but I knew if I did, he would stop me. I couldn't risk that, specially now when Audrey and Brian were at the director's house. But right after I get the evidence I would come to Ian and tell him everything. I won't keep any secret from him. Never again.

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