chapter forty-four.

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"Rosie- ouch- Ro-ow- Rose! I'm fine!" Zayn winces away from me as I try to dab at the bruise on the side of his face. His eye could barely open properly, the bruise spreading out from his prominent cheek bone.

"If you don't reduce the swelling now it'll take longer to heal." I explain, shoving him so he was lying down on the bed and trapping his arms with my body.

"Oh, kínky." He chortled, causing me to press harder.

"Ow! Fùck!"

"Watch your mouth." I smirk, continuing to dab at the bruise.

"It's fine, I'm a man!" He speaks once more, his hand wiggling out from my hold and grabbing my arm.

"The swellings gone down a lot now anyways, I'll get a boiled egg in the morning if it's still bad and you just wrap it in a tea towel and press against it, it'll help it."

"Someone knows her shït!" He jokes but realises what he said and quickly apologised.

I don't reply. It was his fault that I know all this... I take away the cloth and wring it out before making my way back into the bathroom to put it back on the small hook on the wall.

"Hey, Rosie, I'm sorry." Zayn enters the room behind me, a frown settled upon his lips.

"It's fine, what's done is done. You can't change the past." I tell him, brushing past him and into the front room where Lucy sat with Lux and Lou.

"You're alright for tonight and 'morrow morning, yeah?" Lou smiled, pushing the chunky bangle on her arm further up so it stayed by her bicep.

"Yeah, you go and have fun." I smile, seating myself on the sofa.

"Thanks chick! I'll make it up for ya! Have fun also." She gives me a wink before leaving the hotel, leaving me alone with two toddlers and Zayn.

"So we're just going to babysit for the night?" Zayn questions, falling next to me and shuffling until he was comfy.

"We?" I question, causing his cheek to bloom, the other remaining purple.

"Perrie's out and I can't be arsed moving... let's make tonight fun!" He grins enthusiastically like a small child, his cheekbones poking out from his perfect profile; although flawed by the bruise engulfing his entire half of his face.

"We both look so gross." I blurt out, causing my hands to slap over my mouth, my eyes widening.

"What?" Zayn burst out into a short breathed laugh, his eyes squinting in amusement.

"We're both bruised." I say, Zayn nodding in agreement.

"We look like bad ašses!" He exclaimed, causing me to slap his arm lightly to hint there were young ears in the room.

"What should we do tonight?" Zayn asked the two toddlers who were too engrossed into a kids programme about a doctor who mended stuffed toys.

"Let's not watch this and do something fun!" Zayn switched the TV off, causing the two toddlers to complain and whine.

"Now look what you've done." I frown, telling them both to quiet down.

"Let's do something fun! Let's not be couch potatoes and do something productive!" Zayn exclaimed, us three blinking at him blankly.

"Oh come up!" He laughed, shaking me to gain a reaction.

"Stop it." I mumble, punching his arm.

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