chapter nine.

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I wake up quite early, a mass of blonde locks in my face is the first thing I see. I slowly move her out the way, deciding on making breakfast. Before going down, I check on Lucy, knowing she would be awake by now. She was sat in bed, duvet just under her chin. She was shivering. I race over, grabbing her night dress and pulling it down over her head. She poked her arms through and cuddled with the duvet once more.

"Are you still cold?" I ask her. She nodded, fingers reaching to mine to prove how cold they were. If she was cold while my house had the heating on, how did she feel living with Rose?!

"How did you and mummy stay warm?" I ask her.

"We stay under here till other daddy open fire." They had a fire.

"Who's your other daddy?"

"Carl." Her voice was meek, her eyes searching the room quickly before she looked back at me.

"What did he do Lucy?" I inquire.

She shakes her head, hiding under the covers.

"C'mon, let's go get you warm." I chuckle, lifting her up and bringing her down.

"I no brush teeth!" She gasped, covering her mouth.

"You can brush after breakfast."

"What we eat?" She asked, playing with my flat hair.

"What do you like?" I ask her, setting her down on the counter.

"I like choc-late." She tells me.

"No, it's far too early for that." I chuckle, bopping her button nose.

"But I cold daddy." She pouted.

"Chocolate doesn't make you warm."

"It does daddy!" She bounced, nearly giving me a heart attack, if she fell I would never forgive myself.

"How about hot chocolate?" I offer, checking the cupboards in case I was out.

"Hot choc-late?" She tilted her head, looking absolutely adorable.

I switch the kettle on, spooning in the powdered cocoa into a small mug. Lucy giggled loudly, watching the steam waft into the kitchen air and escaping out the opened window. I made her a small hot chocolate, pouring myself and Perrie a tea.

"Morning babe!" I smile once Perrie enters the room. Lucy jumps in shock, giving me another heart attack.

Perrie comes over, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her lips to mine. I remember Lucy is in the room, pushing Perrie gently off.

"Sorry, Lucy's here." I mumble.

"Lucy, can you leave us alone for a little?" Perrie asked in a sickly sweet tone.

Lucy's eyes went wide, immediately scrambling over to get off the counter. I quickly walk over, calming the small toddler and telling her to stay put.

"But daddy, Pewwie say I leave." She hissed in a small whisper.

"It's okay, just stay here." She nodded, looking down at her lap as I make breakfast, Perrie helping me.

Lucy stays on the counter as Perrie and I move frantically around the kitchen to make breakfast. When we were finally done, I grab Lucy off of the counter, balancing her on my hip as we made our way to the dining room. I sit Lucy on the chair which I had placed a cushion on, letting her be able to reach her food. I then serve her some scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. She looked up at me before eating, crumbs already on her top. She sipped at the hot chocolate, her eyes widening as she finished it all.

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