chapter six.

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I follow Lucy around who picks out random pieces of clothing and places it into the basket slung on my arm. She had a... strange choice of fashion sense but hey, maybe she could start a new trend. She's grabbed many princess dresses and very colourful leggings. I then pick a small toothbrush and toothpaste.

She even chooses a duvet cover and pillow case, plus a fleece blanket. I stop her from picking, letting myself choose items of clothing, things that matched and coats, socks, vests and knickers. Perrie follows along looking bored, her hand interlocked with mine as we follow the toddler.

"Zayn, when can we get my ice coffee?"

"Soon babe," I tell her, following the small girl into the art section. She walks ahead, her small fingers stroking the different type of art equipment until her eyes lay on a shelf.

"Look!" She squealed, pointing at a Disney Princess colouring book.

I put it into the overflowing basket, finally bringing it up to pay. When we finally pay, we make our way to Starbucks, courtesy of Perrie. She buys herself a frapuccino, me buying a plain bottle of water. I buy a cookie for Lucy, seating her down beside me and opening the wrapper for her. She thanks me, breaking a bit off for me, and when I don't take it, she offers it to Perrie who didn't take it as well.

"It's all for you." I tell her, smiling at her manners.

"But mummy say-"

"Mummy isn't here, now hurry up and finish the cookie!"

"Perrie!" I hiss.

Lucy's lip trembled as she looked up at me. Her eyes were glazed over, her fingers shaking much like her lip.

"Daddy I-"

"He's not your daddy, he's going to marry me okay? Am I your mummy? No. So he is not your daddy, that is final Lucy!" Perrie shouts, causing us to gain a small audience. I didn't say anything, acting like a coward, I loved Perrie. Lucy would be gone soon, so why would I pay much attention to her when she wasn't going to be here for much longer?

"I not hungry." Lucy mumbled, pushing the cookie towards me.

"No wonder she's like a chicken bone, she never eats." Perrie muttered.

"I think we're going back, she needs a nap. I'll see you later tonight? I'm still bringing you out?"

"Yes, but if she's coming, consider me gone."

"Goodbye, Lucy say bye."

Lucy looked up, waving at Perrie before looking back down at her lap. I wrap up her cookie, putting it in the bag where her colouring book was and standing up. She sulked, standing up and following after me, a silent tear running down her cheek.

She isn't bothered when I put her booster seat in the passenger seat, she's not bothered when I begin to sing along and start a small dance. She just cries silently and looks down at her lap. Something she must've got from Her. She never cried out loud, never wanted the attention or anybody to think she was weak. As I get back, I have to carry Lucy back in as she's too distraught. I carry her to her room, sitting her on the floor and placing her brand new colouring book in front of her.

"C'mon, we can colour together Lucy." I smile, taking out her colour pencil of all assorted colours.

"I colour with daddy tomorrow." She forces a smile, standing up and clambering up to get into bed,

"You need to wear your pyjamas." I tell her, causing her to pout, sliding off the bed like how you would to get into a swimming pool and tugging down her trousers immediately. She takes off her trousers and pulls off her shirt, standing there in her vest and knickers. Another thing she inherited from Her, stripping off in front of me and not feeling shy.

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